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Struggling to keep up with your printing costs?

KDS Direct will lend you a helping hand with their Managed Document Services.

Johannesburg, 09 Jun 2017

Uncertainties in today's business environment coupled with slow economic growth and rising costs have resulted in shrinking business profits. In order to nip this problem in the bud, businesses must find innovative ways to efficiently manage their operational expenses. One practical area where businesses may be required to have a critical look at is their printing costs.

According to research conducted by RMC, a US-based office technology solutions provider, print is the third largest business expense next to rent and payroll. Surprisingly, about 90% of businesses do not even know how much they spend on printing. This was according to the world-renowned research and advisory company, Gartner Group.

Given the above information, it is quite clear that most businesses have totally lost track of their printing expenses and have no clue how to deal with it. To help companies effectively address this serious issue, KDS Direct has introduced their tailor-made printing solution based on Kyocera Document Solution's effective Managed Document Services (MDS).

Unlike Managed Print Services, Managed Document Services take a holistic approach to output cost management, focusing on optimising your entire document output process - from capturing, archiving and workflows to security and environmental impact.

Unparalleled Cost Reduction and Management

It is a well-known fact that by using Managed Document Services (MDS) strategy, businesses can reduce their output costs by a whopping 30%.

The main reason behind this significant cost reduction is largely due to the fact that the price of the hardware, software, toner, spares, maintenance, call-out and labour charges are included in the MDS Agreement. By implication, you pay per image produced on the device.

Using MDS creates transparent processes in the management of your printing costs. This is because the age and lifetime of the systems are all known; cost drivers can be easily tracked and dealt with by simply exchanging devices.

Approach to MDS Implementation

KDS Direct's approach to dealing with this issue of printing costs is as thorough as the strategy they seek to implement. Their MDS implementation is based strictly on KYOCERA's AOM concept: Assessment, Optimisation and Management.

Firstly, KDS Direct conducts a comprehensive assessment of your company's output costs. The assessment process entails the environmental scanning of the business milieu to ascertain the causes of costs. This fact-finding task is performed through interviews, observations, surveys and analysis of company reports. The aim of this exercise is to identify where time and resources are being wasted.

Secondly, the optimisation stage ensures that KDS Direct develops a comprehensive proposal based on the diagnostic assessment to enhance processes within the company. This proposal will, among other things, comprise of training, software/hardware modifications and an Environmental Impact Assessment.

Thirdly, the management phase ensures that KDS Direct provides an ongoing support to enhance incident-free implementation of the proposal and to make certain that the planned changes work in unison.

KDS Direct Managed Document Services (MDS) is your multi-benefit service package. Apart from helping your business cut significant printing costs, it also provides a solution that has less environmental impact, improves system security and increases employee productivity and satisfaction.

For more information on how KDS Direct can help your business keep printing costs down, please contact us on:


Editorial contacts

Nadine Girona
Page Automation