
Technology - key enabler in a changing world

Knowing how and when your business is impacted by a changing marketplace - and the ability to respond.

Pretoria, 16 Oct 2015
"It is the ability to react, and adapt, quickly and seamlessly that is crucial not only to retaining one's competitive edge, but more critically, to business survival." Marius Fabian, Managing Director, 4most Systems
"It is the ability to react, and adapt, quickly and seamlessly that is crucial not only to retaining one's competitive edge, but more critically, to business survival." Marius Fabian, Managing Director, 4most Systems

A recent 4most customer survey aimed at highlighting the importance of knowing how and when your business is impacted by changes in the marketplace revealed that 100% of respondents consider it either crucial or important to remain abreast of both local and global occurrences. However, a staggering 62.5% of respondents admitted they are not in touch with these market changes, with a further 25% of respondents stating they are either unaware of customer needs or find themselves incapable of adapting to changing market demands.

"The role of technology has never been more critical," says Marius Fabian, MD of 4most, a leading supplier and implementer of SAP Business One and ERP software and technology to the South African and African small and medium-sized marketplace. The need to respond to changing market demands, enabled by access to real-time and accurate information, is key.

These market changes, defined as megatrends, are large, transformative global forces that define the future by having a far-reaching impact on business, economies, industries, societies and individuals. With more change expected in the next 10 years than the entire last century, as per Ernst & Young's recent survey: 'EY Megatrends 2015 - Making sense of a world in motion', it really is about adapt or die.

"It starts with keeping your finger on the pulse of a dynamic and constantly evolving marketplace," continues Fabian. However, being aware of the impact of these changes on your business and industry is just the first step. "It is the ability to react, and adapt, quickly and seamlessly that is crucial not only to retaining one's competitive edge, but more critically, to business survival."

Fabian goes on to add that technology is providing the global and local medium-sized marketplace with the tools needed to do just that. "Access to key, real-time and business relevant information is providing business owners with an accurate and in-depth analysis of their company and its position in the marketplace," continues Fabian. This, in turn, is providing them with greater insight into their own capability, together with a realistic projected outcome should any of the required internal changes be implemented.

He goes on to cite the classic example of a new technology, product requirement or imminent trend that leaves a business with no choice but to adapt. "When faced with this situation, it is critical to be able to predict the profitability and impact of these changes," continues Fabian. Similarly, a business will also need to have a clear understanding of both the required steps and necessary resources. "It is only with access to the right information - both current and historical - that this kind of decision-making is possible," stresses Fabian. "And this is as applicable to the medium-sized environment as it is to larger business."

A recent Oxford Economics report: 'SMEs: Equipped to Compete', agrees. Based on a study of 2 100 SMEs across 21 countries, and focused on how successful SMEs are reinventing global business, it states that "the SME environment is as affected by changing conditions as large multinational corporations". It further adds that "in order to prepare for this new environment, SMEs are transforming themselves in fundamental ways... using technology to level the playing field with bigger companies".

"The report makes mention of a number of forces affecting and changing the business landscape," says Fabian. In addition to economic uncertainty and shifting customer demands, other factors listed include rising labour costs, increasing global competition, growth opportunities in regional or wider markets, greater supply chain complexity and increasing regulatory and compliance issues - with the impact of these felt by all.

Further, the report goes on to add that the three most important factors and initiatives driving growth are innovation, cost reduction and efficiencies; expanding products and service offerings and strengthening customer relationships. "This reiterates the need for a solid enterprise management system," continues Fabian. "Our own experience in the market has clearly highlighted that the biggest requirement across all industries is implementing a solution to enable companies to achieve exactly that."

The Oxford Economics study also goes on to cite investment in business management software as the top budget priority (50.2%) across the global SME environment, followed by the need for efficient business analytics (43.4%). In addition, as many as one-third of SMEs interviewed regarded themselves as 'early adopters', with technology viewed as key to business success.

"We are seeing this, not only across the international and local landscape," continues Fabian, "but more specifically within the 4most customer base." Designed with flexibility and tailored to the individual business, SAP Business One is proving itself a highly credible and successful solution to the many operational issues and global influencers facing these organisations.

Craig Uren, COO of Isuzu Truck SA, concurs. Market leader and specialised truck provider, Isuzu Truck SA enjoys dramatically increased turnaround time to market post implementation of 4most's Enterprise Manager (EMA), powered by SAP Business One. "Business is about change and you need to be able to adapt and move with change quickly. However, to stay in touch with the real marketplace, a business must remain up to date. Part of this means that your enterprise management system cannot be a distraction and needs to help you address the fundamentals and goals of your business," says Uren.

"There is an old clich'e - 'the only thing that is constant is change'," adds Fabian. This is becoming more and more evident, with business no exception. The key is not to fear change, but to equip oneself to remain connected to and aware of what these changes are.

"This enables a business to not only analyse the potential impact of said change, but to face it head on - responding dynamically and confidently," adds Fabian, leading to competitive advantage and business survival. "Technology is playing a critical role," continues Fabian. "It is providing the tools needed - not only for companies to transition its business from today into the next decade and beyond, but to do so fluidly and seamlessly."



4most, established in 2004, is the number one supplier and implementer of SAP ERP business management solution software and technology solutions. With offices in South Africa, Botswana, Kenya and Namibia, along with a presence in Zambia and Malawi and a growing footprint in Tanzania, 4most offers a strong base provided by considerable experience and skills accumulated over 25 years.

4most has implemented solutions for over 3 000 SAP Business One users across numerous industries and has supplied services to more than 150 companies, including implementation, support and maintenance. Application modifications of SAP Business One and other ERP software systems have provided tailor-made and innovative solutions, which have created a competitive advantage for numerous businesses in southern Africa.

4most truly partners with its clients from the very beginning. It has dynamic IT and business specialists, who provide customers with a platform for growth based on best practice and understand the SME market as well as support functions, which include infrastructure support and maintenance, software development and training.

4most seeks to fully understand its clients business and daily operational processes; it then address their requirements while sharing 4most's knowledge and expertise, and advises them of industry standards and best practices. 4most provides them with a clear project plan detailing roles, responsibilities and timelines, and it remain with its clients as they grow and helps them to define their future business.

As a SAP Gold Partner, being the first and only partner to establish all-round SAP competency, the consistency of its expertise in business management solutions has earned 4most an award-winning reputation. The company boasts a dedicated client care centre and an in-house training facility for continued care. 4most's offices include a data centre to facilitate hosted solutions tailored to business-specific requirements.

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