
WebTec announces MMS video solution

Johannesburg, 04 Feb 2004

WebTec Online Solutions is pleased to announce SA`s first MMS (multimedia message service) Video Clip delivery channel.

WebTec rolled out the MMS Video solution for mobile phones in the first half of January 2004. This service allows WebTec to send video content to properly configured cellular phones on the Vodacom network in SA and is the first such service offering in SA.

WebTec rolled out its MMS channel in December 2003 along with three other WASPs (wireless application service providers) and is currently running a campaign to deliver images to cellphones via MMS.

The WebTec service is integrated with the WebTec SMS capability. WebTec can therefore now send video clips, images, audio clips, text content and up to 1 000 text characters to mobile phones, on request. Customers can also supply distribution lists for despatch of MMS content. Video clips of up to 200KB can be sent to the Sony-Ericsson P-800 and up to 100KB to the Nokia 7650. On the whole, clip or attachment size is tailored to the receiving handset.

The WebTec service offering architecture is built on the J2EE suite, which allows for advanced application features like transactional messaging and component-based scalability.

Our architecture is flexible enough to allow us to offer new MMS content within five minutes of it being delivered to our platform. We foresee excellent opportunities for retailers and service providers to blanket the consumer experience. Our services allow a previously impossible integration of the consumer`s viewable environment, linking audio, video and messaging on their phones with service providers` and retailers` marketing campaigns. We also foresee real-time services becoming popular for delivery of video and imaging content.

The channel currently serves users on the Vodacom network. MTN will be allowing access for WASPs in Q2 2004. Cell C`s WASP MMS service will be rolled out in Q4 2004.


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