SUSEMay 28, 2004

Novell shows off Linux capacity

At Brainshare this week, Novell demonstrated its ability to sell, support, train and migrate to the Linux platform.

Project Mad HatterAug 22, 2003

Sun unveils integrated desktop environment

The Sun Microsystems Project Mad Hatter integrated open desktop environment for Linux, Solaris and SunRay has been announced.

OsdlAug 21, 2003

Sun joins OSDL

Sun Microsystems has joined the Open Source Development Lab (OSDL), a consortium dedicated to accelerating the adoption of the Linux operating system.

LinuxAug 20, 2003

Linux gaining momentum on

Linux-based projects within the online community are gaining momentum, says Sun Microsystems SA.

LinuxAug 20, 2003

AfriBiz cuts Linux course rates

AfriBiz has reduced the prices for its Linux training courses.

SCOAug 7, 2003

SCO threat real in SA

While one corporate investigates the SCO Group`s copyright infringement claims, it looks likely that a future lawsuit, if it materialises, could filter down to SA channel players and customers.

SolarisJul 30, 2003

Flextronics completes Linux contract

Flextronics SA has converted the signalling gateway function of a global provider of messaging solutions to the Linux operating system.

LinuxJul 14, 2003

DLK uses Linux at Nu Era

DLK Consulting is using the Linux operating system to develop specialised applications for group funeral scheme administrator Nu Era.

LinuxJul 11, 2003

Installfests to mark Linux creator`s birthday

In celebration of the birthday of Linus Torvalds, local Linux user groups are hosting a series of Installfests.

LinuxJul 9, 2003

Linux FUD unfounded

Kin Le Roux, MD of AfriBiz, believes that the recent fear, uncertainty and doubt (FUD) surrounding Linux and the open source movement are unfounded.

Nterprise LinuxJul 3, 2003

IBM to offer Novell services

IBM will make the Novell Nterprise Linux Services available to its enterprise customers.

LinuxJul 1, 2003

Dell to offer Novell Linux software

Dell will offer Novell Linux software services to its enterprise customers.