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15 keys for ensuring Windows 10 migration success

Plan, do, check, act: a guide for IT to manage change initiatives.

Johannesburg, 12 Jun 2017
What is the secret ingredient for Windows 10 migration success?
What is the secret ingredient for Windows 10 migration success?

One billion devices running Windows 10 by 2018. That's Microsoft's goal. According to recent adoption metrics, Microsoft is well on its way to achieving that milestone.

As 2016 drew to a close, the company reported passing 400 million devices, and said the Windows 10 adoption rate was outpacing that of Windows 7, the most prevalent OS in the enterprise market.

While the statistics show adoption rates moving at an impressive clip, many enterprises have yet to migrate.

A ZDNet article comparing Windows 10, 8, XP, and 7 enterprise adoption metrics shows that although Windows 10 penetration has hit double digits, the vast majority of enterprises still run Windows 7.

And with support for Windows 7 remaining in place until January 2020, enterprises have plenty of time to plan. Yet enterprise-wide migrations can take 12-18 months, so the time to begin is fast approaching.
