
eScan enhances customer support

Introduces 'eScan Remote Support' for faster and better support to customers worldwide.

By MicroWorld
Johannesburg, 27 Jul 2009

eScan, the flagship product from MicroWorld, the developer of the world's most advanced information security solutions, has now introduced enhanced customer support facility 'eScan Remote Support' (ERS). This latest feature will effectively and securely enable eScan to give faster and better support to all its customers worldwide.

The new feature, ERS, when started by a customer, will help eScan support team to establish a secure remote connection to their machines, and provide help with their queries, problems and, if needed, even demonstrate the product to them from a remote location.

Ensuring faster turnaround time, this latest feature will help increase efficiency by providing access to the exact nature of any issue faced by the customer, which is sometimes very difficult to gauge over the phone, chat or e-mail. The ERS provides remote access by default, thereby eliminating the need to download utilities that enable access to remote machines.

"ERS is aimed at reducing turnaround time on problem solving and increasing efficiency. We are confident that it will certainly help us garner more share in the market worldwide, and will surely give us a big leap, in terms of customer and partner satisfaction," explained Mr Govind Rammurthy, CEO and Managing Director of MicroWorld India.

"We believe in constantly evolving our products and services to provide the best solutions to our customers. The latest ERS feature is another step towards ensuring our customers will have the best support available," said Mr Mornay Viljoen, Managing Director of MicroWorld Technologies South Africa.

ERS is already available with the latest HOTFIX ( and will shortly be available in newer eScan/MailScan builds. One can check the availability of ERS on their machines, by hovering the mouse on the eScan Red-Shield Icon in the system tray and looking at the version displayed. If the last three digits are greater than or equal to 463, then ERS is already installed in the machine and it can be accessed by right-clicking on the eScan Red-Shield icon and selecting "eScan Remote Support".

eScan is a proactive and real-time anti-virus and content security software that offers a comprehensive solution that shields workstations and servers from various threats such as virus, spyware, hackers, spammers, privacy related issues and other objectionable content. It has real-time virus and content scanning, filters pop-up ads and protects against intruders, among others. It also provides real-time/live updates and 24x7 free technical support.



MicroWorld ( is the developer of the world's first real-time anti-virus and content security software, eScan, for desktops and servers. MicroWorld Winsock Layer (MWL) is the revolutionary technology underlying the eScan product range, and bringing it several certifications and awards by some of the most prestigious testing bodies, notable among them being Virus Bulletin, Checkmark, TUCOWS, Red Hat Ready, and Novell Ready. Combining their powerful scanner with MWL technology, MicroWorld solutions provide a real-time proactive security to the computer systems. MicroWorld's communication security software, MailScan is the first comprehensive e-mail scanner for SMTP and POP3 mail servers. For network security of enterprises, eConceal Firewall is the powerful offering from MicroWorld.

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