
People who know or could be Satoshi Nakamoto

Johannesburg, 25 May 2021

When Bitcoin was invented, nobody expected this crypto-currency to shoot its way up and become so popular, let alone be at the top of the financial industry. As of 2021, it is reported that there may be as many as 5 million Bitcoin users, and experts believe the number will keep increasing drastically.

While we are quite familiar with how Bitcoin operates, one of the biggest mysteries that surround this crypto-currency is the identity of its creator. Although we know the person as Satoshi Nakamoto, we don’t know if Satoshi is male or female, and we cannot guess this person’s age or nationality. While we are at it, none of us knows if Satoshi is a person or a group of people.

There have been many speculations as to who might Satoshi be, which is exactly the topic that we are going to discuss in this article. We’ll be taking a look at some individuals who may be Satoshi or know who he/she might be. But first, let’s see what Bitcoin represents.

What does Bitcoin represent?

Bitcoin represents a futuristic payment method but also a beacon of hope for those who are looking to invest and make money. As of May 2021, Bitcoin is valued at around $40 000 and it is expected for this crypto-currency to rise to $100 000 in the fourth quarter.

Up until recently, the only marketplaces where users could trade Bitcoins and make a profit were Bitcoin ATMs, but all of that has changed now. Trading sites have proved to be far superior to Bitcoin ATMs due to the fact that they are far easier to access, charge almost no fees, and provide traders with additional services.

Bitcoin Fortress has one of the best services on the market as this trading site utilises an AI system that can analyse the market and use the data to create accurate predictions on how Bitcoin will fluctuate in the near future. That is the reason why this trading site has thousands of registered users.

As for using Bitcoin as a payment method, users will be relieved to hear that all online transactions with Bitcoin are instant, they can void all unnecessary fees, and due to the fact that Bitcoin users gain a certain level of online anonymity, they are provided with next-level security.

Hal Finney

We’ll start our list with Hal Finney. He is a well-known cypherpunk and the reason why we are mentioning him is that he received the first Bitcoins from Satoshi. Now, we don’t believe that he is the creator of this crypto-currency, but judging from the fact that he is the first person that Satoshi interacted with, we suspect that he may know Satoshi’s identity.

Dorian Nakamoto

Back in 2014, Newsweek magazine made a public attempt to reveal Satoshi’s identity as it listed Dorian Nakamoto as the creator of this crypto-currency. To prove it, Newsweek even listed a few similarities that Dorian and the supposed creator of Bitcoin have. It even published a photo of his home, which was a big mistake. Dorian denied the claims and told Associated Press that he has nothing to do with Bitcoin.

Craig Wright

Our final listing is Craig Wright, an Australian scientist. He was listed as Bitcoin’s creator by Wired magazine in 2015. When asked on this topic, he simply replied that he is a bit of everything. The fact that he is well-educated and holds degrees in many fields leads us to believe that he is well familiar with the network.


The fact of the matter is that we may never find out who Satoshi is. There will be many rumours that will keep circulating, but maybe it is best if he/she remains a mystery
