
Cell C's Tell Trevor campaign 'a success'

Tallulah Habib
By Tallulah Habib
Johannesburg, 10 Sept 2010

Cell C's “Tell Trevor” campaign, which encourages customers to lodge complaints with comedian Trevor Noah, has surpassed all expectations, according to the country's third mobile operator.

Cell C executive head of marketing Simon Camerer says that over 30 000 people have posted messages to Trevor since the campaign started at the beginning of August, with 45% being suggestions for improvement.

People can send messages to Noah, otherwise known as Cell C's “customer experience officer”, via SMS, on MXit and by posting on the Tell Trevor Web site (

According to Camerer, the Web site has received over 10 000 views, the majority of which (72%) originate from mobile site

The campaign started when a video of Noah, complaining about Cell C's service, was posted online in late July and Cell C responded with an apology in the Sunday Times. On 3 August the mobile operator announced that Noah would be its new “CEO” (customer experience officer) and work to communicate consumer concerns to the company.

“Judging by the number of posts already received, we believe that the campaign is a great success. The campaign was launched with the aim to encourage debate by inviting customers to join Cell C on its journey of change. We believe the number of posts certainly indicate consumers' desire to be heard.” says Camerer.
