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  • Tanya Long

Tanya Long

Chief operating officer, Argility Technology Group.

Long has 30 years of industry experience. Her career in the IT sector started in 1988 in IT support for point-of-sale solutions. She moved formally into software development with UCS/Argility in 1989 as a developer and progressed through to team leader, account management, project and development management roles, which led her into various industries and corporations.

In 2017, Long returned to Argility (having previously worked at the company in a technical capacity) as human capital executive, where she reunited her retail, IT, leadership and HR knowledge to drive her zeal for transformation.

In her capacity as COO, Long is responsible for overseeing operations, with a specific focus on human capital, sales and marketing, and ensuring the company culture and vision shows up daily for customers through an engaged technical team of experts.


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Retailers and brands can realise the immense power of data-driven decision-making by using predictive analytics to glean faster insights.


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Data analytics − and particularly predictive analytics − can give retailers a significant edge in an industry that is rapidly changing.

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Using data to discover the future of retail

As business digitalisation continues apace, more and more data is being generated. Retailers need to understand its value and how to leverage it.

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As people embrace technology more than ever before to support all aspects and consequences of isolation, there are bound to be new buying behaviours.

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Changing behaviours post-COVID-19: A retail challenge

The virus is reshaping the consumer goods industry in real-time, rapidly accelerating long-term underlying trends in the space of mere weeks and months.