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  • Neil Buckley

Neil Buckley

MD, Apex BI.

Neil Buckley is MD of Apex BI. Buckley completed his studies in software support and PC engineering in 1999. He later went on to enhance his knowledge and skill through courses at the Harvard School of Business, plus other institutions in the US.

He has two decades of experience in an ICT career that has seen him appointed to senior management positions across various functional lines of business, including enterprise, SME, partner and retail channels.

In 2007, he founded Apex BI. Over the years, the company has attracted market share and been firmly established as a major player in the technology expense management sector.


CIO ZoneFeb 8, 2023

Where are mobile voice, data costs headed in 2023?

Business managers must achieve powerful companywide visibility into all mobile voice and data costs, across their entire workforce.

IOTSept 13, 2022

Automation is key to IOT scale and cost control

The proliferation of IOT devices and the data they transmit has implications for technology expense management and risk mitigation for IOT.

NetworkingJul 27, 2021

Controlling technology spend during an epidemic

COVID-19 turned technology expense management on its head, as business resilience faced its toughest test when excessive spending was not an option.

IOTJul 20, 2021

Internet of things: Getting the billing basics right

While the internet of things (IOT) offers huge opportunities for economic growth and job creation, IOT vendors must ensure they have a disciplined handle on costs.

Cloud ComputingJul 13, 2021

Take control with technology expense management

Technology expense management can drive business growth, as it takes charge of tech expense sprawl as opposed to applying fear-based cost-cutting.


What's your remote workforce costing you?

Insight into mobile expense management − one of the more critical expense categories − is now more important than ever before.

Cloud ComputingJun 17, 2020

What’s driving the SaaS market’s exponential growth?

Cloud-based deployment is now the software deployment method of choice as more companies become cognisant of the tangible benefits of software without servers.

BusinessMay 14, 2020

Get ready for a brave new world

This is arguably the world's biggest trial of remote working, with organisations rethinking several common workplace misconceptions.


Managing the mobile sprawl: Finding solutions

Companies must be proactive in monitoring the growing mobile estate, especially as carrier billing practices are not exactly designed to be customer-friendly.


Managing the mobile sprawl: Data challenges

While voice remains an important part of human communication, data consumption has been skyrocketing in companies.

WirelessOct 22, 2019

Managing the mobile sprawl: Voice challenges

Exploring what companies should be looking for when it comes to effective tools to get the best results from their mobile voice spend.

CIO ZoneAug 20, 2019

Beat CIO pressure with technology expense management

Technology expense management can be used to create an accountability culture on all sides of the business landscape: vendor, management and user.