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  • Steyn Basson

Steyn Basson

Director of integration and products and head of CSM, Synthesis Software

Steyn Basson is director of integration and products and head of CSM at Synthesis Software Technologies. Since joining Synthesis in 2002 straight out of university, Basson has gained significant experience in the markets and regulatory reporting spaces, especially as they relate to the integration of multiple diverse platforms.

With a wealth of knowledge on all aspects of product development, his current focus is on products related to regulatory reporting, as well as market integration. He is recognised for his ability to drive product strategy to market from start to finish, as well as his ability to troubleshoot complex scenarios. Basson holds an MSc in Computer Science from the University of Johannesburg.


Project ManagementMar 19, 2021

What does a customer success manager do and how?

The customer success manager must be the "go-to" person for clients, building trust through integrity and good, pro-active, accurate communication.

CXMar 12, 2021

The case for customer success management

A customer success manager’s primary role is to act as the glue that holds everything together when the business starts expanding, enabling further growth.