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  • Keenan Naidoo

Keenan Naidoo

Argility divisional system manager, Argility Technology Group.

His career in IT and ancillary services in the retail sector began in 2004. Naidoo’s experience is strongly rooted in systems analysis, architecture and development.

He is skilled in integration projects as well as division, team and client management. He is passionate about innovation, technology and transcending the lines between the physical and digital worlds to deliver immersive solutions to customers.


CIO ZoneApr 2, 2024

Deep dive into impact of IT infrastructure failure

It is important to understand that when there is a sudden loss of power, almost all IT hardware is susceptible to failure.

CIO ZoneMar 7, 2024

Powerless retailers: Pros and cons of backup infrastructure

South African retailers must innovate their own power backup solutions if they are to mitigate the disastrous impact of load-shedding.