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Blog makes light of bad service

By Nkuli Mngcungusa
Johannesburg, 21 Feb 2006

A public blog has been created to allow consumers to complain about bad service in a humorous way.

The Web log,, aims to provide a forum for South African consumers to voice their frustrations about bad customer service.

The blog was conceived after someone tried to steal food off Durban-based Internet entrepreneur Dean Squire`s table at a local restaurant. He saw the funny side of the incident, and decided to create a blog where other people could relate similar experiences.

"Blogging is the trend worldwide as individuals feel more comfortable expressing themselves online, but it is difficult to find great bloggers. MyBlurb brings people who want to share their experiences together," says Squire.

"The site is designed to be a humorous facility where people can tell the world about their irritations in a relaxed forum, similar to the way jokes are told around a braai."
