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Cherry Olive, Ontology Systems sign strategic partnership to assist companies to control big data

Johannesburg, 06 Aug 2013

Cherry Olive, the unified data management specialist, has signed a strategic partnership agreement with Ontology Systems, the semantic search company for structured enterprise application data.

Johann Evans, chief technical officer (CTO) of Cherry Olive, said his company's role would be to "assist Ontology with the integration and deployment of their solutions".

"It is a perfect fit and we believe this partnership provides us with an edge in a fast growing and vitally important marketplace - the ability to find accurate and meaningful data among a sea of data when you need it... and turn it into intelligent information."

Ontology recently launched Ontology 4, the semantic search platform that replaces traditional data integration approaches. Benedict Enweani, CEO and founder at Ontology Systems, said the company has a philosophy of: "Search, don't integrate."

This is achieved by applying the power, simplicity and semantic search to gain insight into all enterprise application data replacing traditional data integration.

By incorporating unstructured as well as structured application data, the solution enables businesses to search and link applications, databases, files, spreadsheets and ad hoc data from anywhere across the enterprise, without the cost and risk of integration and delivering solutions in record time.

"Today, the Holy Grail for enterprises across the globe is a '360-degree view of their business through their data', and like the Holy Grail itself, this 360-degree view has eluded most businesses," said Enweani. "The real-world constraints of risky, painful, expensive data integration projects simply kill most attempts to unify business entities across the enterprise."

Said Cherry Olive's Evans: "We, as strategic partners in South Africa, will be providing the implementation side of the equation. This is our value add for Ontology - and we believe there are massive business opportunities for this solution. The era of big data is here and companies are finding it harder and harder to cope. This is one way of coping - and it provides a way to work through all the data 'noise' out there and find intelligent data that can be leveraged to the advantage of the company."


Editorial contacts

Johann Evans
(+27) 012 259 8096