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DataTegra scoops Kaspersky Lab Platinum Partner status

Johannesburg, 17 Jul 2014
DataTegra scoops Kaspersky Lab Platinum Partner status.
DataTegra scoops Kaspersky Lab Platinum Partner status.

Specialist IT security solutions and service provider DataTegra has achieved Platinum Partner status with Kaspersky Lab, only the second security specialist in South Africa to reach this milestone.

"We are delighted to have achieved Kaspersky Lab Platinum Partner status," says Tinus Oosthuizen, MD of DataTegra. "Platinum is the highest status awarded to Kaspersky Lab partners, and recognises partners who are committed to selling Kaspersky solutions, who meet their revenue targets, deliver top customer service, and show leading technical abilities."

DataTegra wants to be the preferred partner for any business in Africa that wants to harness the power of Kaspersky Lab's industry-leading security solutions, Oosthuizen adds. "It is important for us to work closely with partners to ensure our solutions and offerings are the best the industry has to offer. Kaspersky Lab offers solutions across anti-virus, device management, vulnerability and patch management, end-point security and application white-listing. Its solutions score top in the vast majority of independent tests."

DataTegra has been zealous about Africa, and has been providing Kaspersky Lab's solutions to its African enterprise customers for several years, seeing a huge growth in African sales in the past 12 months. "Achieving this top partner status has been the result of a lot of work and time invested in DataTegra's African customers, and our focus on security solutions by Kaspersky Lab."

He says the company's focus on developing strong partnerships with its vendors and clients alike, and offering its customers the best possible security solutions and customer service, has been instrumental in achieving Platinum status.

"Kaspersky Lab's niche solutions have helped us to give our African customers peace of mind, knowing their data and businesses are secure," he adds. "In addition, we have illustrated our commitment to the Kaspersky brand, through investing in our staff, and ensuring they have the necessary skills and experience to support customers."

To date, he says DataTegra has five engineers with Kaspersky Basic, one with Kaspersky Advanced, two engineers with MDM and two engineers with Encryption. DataTegra is currently the largest reseller of Kaspersky Lab's products in Africa, and boasts the highest number of certifications for the products across the continent. The company received the inaugural African Enterprise Partner of the Year award from Kaspersky Lab last year, and has recently won the Kaspersky Lab Gold Rush competition. "We are thrilled to have achieved this level of partner status with Kaspersky Lab. We are looking forward to continuing this very successful partnership well into the future."


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