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DVT Launchpad elevates tech careers with its unique graduate programme

Johannesburg, 06 Mar 2024
Excited cadets at their official launch event.
Excited cadets at their official launch event.

Global custom software and data engineering company DVT has welcomed the arrival of new graduates to its DVT Launchpad programme for 2024. This year marks a significant enhancement of the programme, including the introduction of a new stream focusing on artificial intelligence and the internet of things (IOT).

Rose Allen-Richards, head of DVT's Launchpad programme, says: "We are excited to welcome our new cadets to DVT Launchpad. Our key objective is to propel their careers and potential as leaders within their respective fields, offering them an incredible head-start in the tech industry."

The DVT Launchpad programme differentiates itself from others in the industry by extending over four to six months and providing comprehensive training in technical, interpersonal and business skills. This approach ensures graduates are well-rounded and ready for the challenges ahead.

Allen-Richards highlights the uniqueness of the programme: "Unlike short bootcamps, our programme is designed to equip graduates with deep, fundamental knowledge, typically taking years to acquire. This personalised and extended training experience is what sets DVT Launchpad apart."

Luthando Bower and Rose Allen-Richards of DVT.
Luthando Bower and Rose Allen-Richards of DVT.

“We intentionally hire a select group of graduates, aiming to retain them as permanent employees after successful completion of the Launchpad programme,” notes Allen-Richards. “We believe that providing more individual attention is a key factor in their success and overall experience of the programme.”

This year, the programme welcomes graduates specialising in various streams, including UX/UI, .Net, Java, mobile, artificial intelligence and web development, bringing the total to 34 talented individuals. The introduction of the AI stream is a response to the evolving needs of the tech industry, ensuring graduates are equipped with the latest and most relevant technology skills.

DVT Launchpad's success stories are a testament to its effectiveness. Graduates have achieved remarkable success within DVT, progressing rapidly in their careers. "One of our ‘cadets’ took on a lead role on a critical project for a financial institution, heading up a team with senior experience. This is a prime example of how our programme prepares graduates for leadership," Allen-Richards shares.

The programme has evolved significantly since its inception in 2015, growing from a small group of six to over 30 graduates annually. The rigorous training, including daily workshops and a minimum of four projects, prepares graduates for real-world challenges, including participation in client projects within their first few weeks.

The new DVT cadets who have joined the DVT Launchpad programme.
The new DVT cadets who have joined the DVT Launchpad programme.

Looking ahead, DVT Launchpad plans to continue its collaboration with clients on various projects, further enhancing the real-world applicability of the programme's training. The success of the programme is measured through project delivery, graduate showcases and positive feedback from clients and mentors alike.

Allen-Richards adds: "The feedback from our clients and the success of our graduates in the market serve as compelling evidence of the quality and impact of our programme. It's incredibly rewarding to see our graduates not only meet but exceed expectations."

DVT invites final-year students from relevant disciplines to apply for the 2025 programme, promising an enriching experience that goes beyond conventional training. The DVT Launchpad programme is not just about building technical skills, it's about shaping the future leaders of the tech industry. 



DVT's technology teams have transformed great ideas into successful software solutions for 25 years. Founded in 1999, DVT provides high-impact business software solutions to clients worldwide.

DVT’s comprehensive software solutions are delivered by high-performing Agile technology teams, including dedicated on-site or remote teams, teams co-sourced with clients, turn-key projects, or staff augmentation and professional services.

DVT's range of IT services includes custom software engineering, staff augmentation, digital transformation, data analytics and automation, cloud computing, and UX/UI design.

With 8 offices across the globe and over 600 specialised staff members, DVT can deliver high-quality software solutions to meet all of your IT requirements. For more information, visit  

Editorial contacts

Karen Heydenrych
DVT (Communications manager)
(+27) 83 302 9494