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eBook: Client data could cost you your business: Why your database strategy matters more than ever

Whether you like it or not, your client dataset is your Achille's heel.
Your client dataset is your Achille's heel.
Your client dataset is your Achille's heel.

Client data has become the focal point in the landscape of cyber extortion, especially in ransomware attacks, where its value is exploited to the fullest. This reality emphasises the criticality of protecting databases, especially those housing sensitive client information. Microsoft Azure SQL rises to this challenge as the most robust solution, overcoming the limitations of traditional on-premises databases. It's more than a technological upgrade; it's a strategic commitment to safeguarding your most vital asset and enhancing security – all while meeting the needs for scalability and efficient threat detection. This eBook showcases how Microsoft Azure SQL is the clear choice for protecting client data in today's high-risk cyber environment. The content is structured into two main sections:

Section 1: The technical shortcomings of on-premise databases: This section discusses the security, scalability and adaptability limitations of traditional on-premises databases when dealing with advanced cyber threats.

Section 2: Microsoft Azure SQL – A strategic response to evolving security needs: This part explores how Microsoft Azure SQL overcomes these limitations, emphasising its superior security, scalability, proactive threat detection and maintenance features, making it vital in today's cyber security landscape.

Please see below to download the eBook.
