
eBook: Four strategies for cloud storage optimisation

Johannesburg, 03 Jul 2023

With a pandemic bearing down on the global economy, organisations had no choice but to accelerate their digital transformation journeys. As corporate offices fell silent and employees set up shop at their dining room tables, IT admins rushed to implement cloud-based solutions that would enable flexible, remote work. Tools that may have previously been used from time to time, like chats and video conferences, suddenly became a lifeline to communicate with colleagues from afar. In the first three months of the COVID-19 shutdown alone, Microsoft Teams saw more than 50% growth in daily active users. While employees adapted to this fundamental change, a seismic shift was happening behind the scenes as well.

Solutions like Microsoft Teams, OneDrive and SharePoint made it easier than ever for employees to communicate and collaborate, no matter where they were. But it quickly became apparent that these tools also produced an unprecedented amount of data. Think about your own personal data footprint, for example. Documents and e-mails probably come to mind. But what about the dozens of Teams chats that you have going at any given time? Or the meetings that you record for posterity each week? These files consume a significant amount of storage, exponentially more than what organisations previously experienced. 

Please download the eBook below.
