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eBook: How does your close perform against your peers?

Johannesburg, 22 Apr 2021

We asked small-to-medium-sized businesses about their close: how long it takes, how many people are involved, how automated it is, what technology they use and what they would most like to change.

Key trends that emerged:

  • When companies reach 50-100 employees, higher levels of automation are needed to gain efficiencies and stay competitive.
  • While larger companies tend to be more automated, a high percentage of work remains trapped in spreadsheets across companies of all sizes – from manual imports and exports to allocations, budgeting and planning and more.
  • Companies are moving to the cloud for higher availability, better reporting and lower cost of ownership.

Learn how your close compares to other organisations of similar size and industry. You can also identify how many of our 10 best practices you’ve implemented for a more efficient close.
