
eBook: Redefine agriculture

Smart farms are the future, and the foundation of smart agri is connectivity...
Looking towards the smart farms of the future.
Looking towards the smart farms of the future.

The backbone of smart agriculture sits in an IOT ecosystem supplemented by other related technologies, including cloud computing, AI, fog computing, edge computing, big data and SDN. These are all enabled by connectivity, with 5G private networks providing the real-time, high-speed, secure communications the smart farms of the future will be built on.

According to the World Bank and United Nations, it is estimated that agricultural food production needs to increase by 50% to 90% by 2050 to meet the future demand for food production and to feed the growing world population, which may explode to 9.8 billion by mid-century.

Since man first planted seeds to ensure there was enough food for the winter, human beings have been looking for ways to improve their agricultural yields.

From primitive tools to today’s genetically modified crops, farmers have benefited from a multitude of innovations that are culminating in what some have termed the Third Green Revolution.

This revolution draws on the combined application of data-driven analytics technologies, such as precision farming equipment, IOT, big data analytics, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs or drones), robotics and so on.

Please download the eBook below.
