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FlowCentric Technologies showcases Astraia Technology

Automated and agile: the new paradigm for government procurement.

Johannesburg, 26 Jan 2017
Gerhard van den Heever, Business Process Manager, Astraia Technology.
Gerhard van den Heever, Business Process Manager, Astraia Technology.

FlowCentric Technologies is proud to showcase its long-time ISV Partner, Astraia Technology.

Astraia Technology is a well-known Sage solution provider in South Africa. In addition to its Sage services, the organisation has a separate division dedicated to the development and implementation of Business Process Management (BPM) Solutions, using the FlowCentric Processware Platform.

The BPM department, under the leadership of Gerhard van den Heever, has used Processware to harness their intellectual property (IP) into the powerful procurement offering, Pro-G.

Pro-G for Procurement

Pro-G is a Web-based application, designed specifically to assist South African government institutions to optimally administer their supply chain management and procurement functions.

The Pro-G solution efficiently links vendor, procurement, and receipt management functions to deliver an automated PFMA compliant electronic management system to South African government. Pro-G assists government departments to clearly define how they manage their suppliers, commodities and business needs. The solution manages each step in the procurement process, from requesting a quotation, to generating the purchase orders (PO), to issuing receipts and final invoices.

The Pro-G Solution

* Directly integrates with Central Supplier Database for the South African government.
* Automatically rotates suppliers each time a request for quote (RFQ) is generated.
* Sends RFQ documents directly to each supplier from the system, cutting down on administrative pressures.
* Allows users to attach any Terms of Reference documents for more specialised requests.
* Captures the quotes returned by the prospective vendors.
* Provides automated scorecard ratings on captured quotes.
* Sends requests for authorisation to the appropriate people, based on the delegation of authority framework.
* Management can easily review their budgets, including committed funds, before making a decision.
* After receiving final authorisation, the system will generate a purchase order (PO), which is then receipted and attached to the invoice.
* Generates key performance indicator (KPI) reports in order to identify suppler trends.

The Pro-G framework is designed to ensure that each step in the Supply Chain Management function complies with legislative requirements, while greatly improving efficiency and service delivery. The entire process from start to finish, along with all motivations and responses, is auditable and ensures transparency, accountability and fairness throughout the process.

Can Pro-G be used to manage the Supply Chain processes in Private or Commercial organisations too?

"Certainly," says Gerhard van den Heever, Business Process Manager, Astraia Technology. "Our modular approach to the system allows us to make strategic modifications to accommodate the needs of most businesses, while still following best-practices."

Implementation Services

Van den Heever and his team have successfully implemented various FlowCentric Processware-powered solutions across multiple industries, including government.

What's the secret to Astraia Technology's implementation success?

"Our BPM Process Implementation Guidelines," states Van den Heever.

"We developed these guidelines combining international best-practice methodologies with our own implementation and integration experience. These guidelines have resulted in a streamlined approach to implementation that allows us to deliver effective, affordable solutions to our customers."

FlowCentric Technologies are excited to be entering their sixth year of partnership with Astraia Technology and look forward to growing the relationship.


FlowCentric Technologies

FlowCentric Technologies is a global provider of Business Process Management (BPM) Software. The company's proprietary software, FlowCentric Processware is used to streamline and automate business operations in many major industries across the globe. A diverse range of companies, from large corporates to mid-markets, including financial services, government, insurance, manufacturing and brewing industries rely on Processware to keep their businesses running smoothly. FlowCentric Processware is sold and implemented worldwide, through channel partners. FlowCentric Technologies provides strategic support and extensive training to implementation partners and ISVs.

Please visit its Web site at

Editorial contacts

Heather McDade
FlowCentric Technologies
(+27) 010 020 4488