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FlowCentric Technologies shows off the versatility of its BPM software at customer day

Denis Bensch CIO of FlowCentric Technologies concluding the event.
Denis Bensch CIO of FlowCentric Technologies concluding the event.

FlowCentric Technologies held a customer day at The Wanderers Club in Illovo, Johannesburg. The well-attended event showcased several business solutions that were developed using the company's business process management (BPM) software.

Jacques Wessels, CEO of FlowCentric Technologies, opened the afternoon's proceedings by welcoming attendees to the official launch event for FlowCentric Processware Enterprise. FlowCentric Technologies identified the need for its BPM software to run on the Oracle database in addition to Microsoft's SQL, the company's Enterprise release is its first foray into supporting multiple databases natively. The Enterprise release opens new markets for the company in not only Africa, but the United States and Australia. Wessels concluded his welcome by thanking guests for attending and encouraging them to swap ideas and share their experiences with FlowCentric Processware.

John Megannon, MineRP shared his experience of working with FlowCentric Technologies, advising that "If you want to build a collaboration engine, build it with people who want to collaborate, who want to work together, who want to partner."

Bernard Ford, CEO of One Channel, discussed how his organisation is using FlowCentric Processware to extend the process automation capabilities of Acumatica Cloud ERP. One Channel will be showcasing the complex business process automation and integration technology at the Acumatica Summit in Nashville, USA in early 2018.

Matthew Basterfield, Sales Manager at UniSource Software Services, demonstrated the value of the company's order management platform, tradeFLOW, to guests. Using FlowCentric Processware, tradeFLOW offers a Web-based, process-driven solution that integrates orders between a company's supply-chain system, sales force, customers, procurement department and suppliers to their third-party or internal logistics. Elaborating on the successes of tradeFLOW, Basterfield said: "With tradeFLOW, Clarins Cosmetics are able to provide their functional managers with full visibility into orders at any time."

Kevin Hudson, Director FlowCentric AsiaPac, demonstrated the offline capabilities of the tablet application that the AsiaPac team built, leveraging the capabilities of FlowCentric Processware's application programming interface (API). The tablet application is designed for non-technical personnel to use on the go. The interface requires minimal text inputs, instead allowing users to simply tap to select from a range of options.

Clark Coetzee from DocuVision demonstrated the integrated document management solution, DocuFlow. The solution facilitates the integration between DocuVision and FlowCentric Processware, providing users with more control over the documents associated with their business processes.

Gerhard van den Heever showcased the Astraia Technology's procurement solution, Pro-G. Built on the FlowCentric Processware platform, Pro-G delivers an efficient and compliant electronic procurement management system designed to manage each step in the purchasing process. Pro-G manages all authorisations in line with each customer's unique delegation of authority framework and in compliance with other internal and legislative policies.

Franco Megannon, product manager of Mine Forms, shared how MineRP has seamlessly integrated the auditing and tracing power of FlowCentric Processware into the spatially enabled enterprise mining technical solutions provided by MineRP.

John Olsson, Sales Director of Ability Solutions demonstrated the organisation's Internet of things enabled mobile solution. "FlowCentric Processware allows for the marriage and interpretation of masses of live data from the field into scheduled tasked for corrective actions" said Olsson, illustrating how the ROKMAN solution uses FlowCentric Processware to initiate processes based on data returned from sensors in the field.

Gavin Bagley from ID Tect demonstrated the organisation's integrated facial recognition solution. In a mining scenario the facial recognition system is used to identify personnel as they pass through specific areas. The solution will check the individual's credentials, if for instance a mine worker's blasting certificate has expired, the system will prevent that person from entering restricted areas. The system will initiate a workflow process from the FlowCentric Processware engine to alert all relevant personnel of the next steps that need to be taken.

Pierre Steenkamp from FlowCentric Technologies showcased the FlowCentric B2B Supplier Portal. The FlowCentric B2B Supplier Portal provides organisations with a central portal to manage virtually all aspects of their supplier lifecycle. The execution of backend processes is handled by FlowCentric Processware, allowing organisations to systematically digitise, connect and automate each aspect of their supplier lifecycle.

Willie de Jonge from FlowCentric Technologies demonstrated the powerful online ordering system that was developed in conjunction with LAR and Associates. The system provides a single integrated interface that franchisees across Africa can securely log into and place their product orders from the franchisor.

Andrew van Vuuren was the final guest speaker for the day, opening his talk by sharing statistics around stolen identities in South Africa. van Vuuren said that last year 3 800 identities were stolen in South Africa, which resulted in over R1 billion worth of fraud being committed. To reduce fraud a reliable source of identification is required. Connecting facial recognition systems, with biometric scanners and voice recognition systems will go a long way to preventing identity theft and streamlining the process of performing identity checks. FlowCentric Processware ensures that the correct photograph, fingerprints and voice biometrics are connected.

"Business process management is truly coming into its own" said Denis Bensch, CIO of FlowCentric Technologies. He went on to explain that in the world of IOT, big data and machine learning; data without action is pointless. Process management is no longer office bound which means that data needs to be collected remotely, analysed and then executed on in a controlled manner. FlowCentric Processware is the ideal tool with which to manage the execution of processes based on this data.

Bensch concluded the event by stating that FlowCentric Technologies will continue to develop the best possible platform upon which the company's partner network can build fantastic solutions.


FlowCentric Technologies

FlowCentric Technologies develops and support the digital process automation software, FlowCentric Processware. This proprietary software is used to streamline and automate business operations in numerous industries across the globe. A diverse range of companies, from large corporates to mid-markets, rely on FlowCentric Processware to keep their business running smoothly.

Editorial contacts

Heather McDade
FlowCentric Technologies
(+27) 010 020 4488