
Free energy sustainability online courses target youth

Staff Writer
By Staff Writer, ITWeb
Johannesburg, 20 Jun 2023

Energy management and automation solutions provider Schneider Electric has introduced two free online courses that it says will set students on the path to sustainability and energy transition.

Introduced in light of the youth month theme: “Accelerating youth economic emancipation for a sustainable future”, the courses are aimed at helping youth across the globe to advance their knowledge and skills to build a sustainable future, says the company.

The first Schneider Electric online course, Become a Player in the Energy Transition, has been introduced in partnership with the International Trade Centre, a United Nations agency, and French NGO, Atelier 21.

According to Schneider Electric, the course encompasses a variety of case studies from rural and urban settings marked by differing levels of development. It also encourages participants to consider professional opportunities in the clean energy sector, by directing them to more technical courses on solar power, wind power and other specialised areas.

It is available in English, with other languages to follow.

“Participation in this initiative complements and strengthens Schneider Electric's long-standing dedication to sustainability and youth empowerment,” notes Carina van Zyl, sustainable development specialist at Schneider Electric.

“We are committed to providing professional training to one million young people by 2025. To date, over 400 000 individuals have already benefitted from the initiative.”

The second course, Schneider Electric Global Student Experience, has been designed to give students a career head-start – offering information with a series of e-learning modules and simulated projects.

It is available to all under-graduates and master’s degree students, and offers e-learning modules on careers, such as sales and marketing, services, supply chain, digital careers, or sustainability as a business.

“While formal learning institutions provide students with valuable knowledge, they often lack the requisite practical, real-life skills training that are essential in the workplace,” says Modlay Davids, talent acquisition and employer branding specialist at Schneider Electric.

“The Schneider Electric Global Student Experience bridges this gap, providing current and practical guidance to hit the road running.”

Register here for the Schneider Electric Global Student Experience 2023 and here for the Become a Player in the Energy Transition course.
