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Hackers Know a Secret: Traditional Security is not DNS Security

Johannesburg, 30 Jun 2014
Whitepaper: Infoblox - A Cybercriminal's Guide to exploiting DNS for fun and profit
Whitepaper: Infoblox - A Cybercriminal's Guide to exploiting DNS for fun and profit

The news is full of stories about disastrously successful cyber attacks. In many cases, the companies attacked have sophisticated security systems in place. But the unfortunate truth is, even the best traditional security is not DNS security.

The bad guys have found a chink in your armour, and they're planning to exploit it for everything your company is worth. It's called 'DNS,' and cyber criminals love it.

* They know that the DNS protocol is easy to exploit.
* Layered security, next-generation firewalls, and secure web gateways were not designed to protect DNS.
* Crooks have an extensive arsenal of attacks with scary names like "DrDos" and "DNS cache poisoning."
* Whether the motive is gain, revenge, mischief or sheer malice, DNS attacks get the job done.

Find out what the bad guys have planned for your network. Take the critical step toward DNS security by requesting your copy of this white paper today.
