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Healthcare revolution: Women leading the charge in innovation, inclusion

Women are a driving force in shaping the future of health IT.
Women are a driving force in shaping the future of health IT.

The healthcare landscape is undergoing a digital revolution, and Healthbridge, which positions itself as a leader in this transformation for over 25 years, is at the forefront. But healthcare is about more than just technology; it's about people. At Healthbridge, we firmly believe that women are a driving force in shaping the future of health IT.

Empowering women: Bridging the information gap

The IT sector, traditionally male-dominated, is experiencing a surge of talented women. At Healthbridge, we recognise their unique value. "Women excel in creativity, problem-solving and user experience (UX) design – all critical skills for healthcare IT," says Ivone Veiga-Moroldo, Head of Client Experience at Healthbridge.

The healthcare system is a complex web of interactions between patients, doctors, funders, hospitals, pharmacies and various other stakeholders. Women at Healthbridge leverage their skills to bridge this critical information gap. "They design user-friendly interfaces and innovative data solutions, streamlining data flow and improving communication for everyone involved," explains Veiga-Moroldo.

Beyond tech: Empowering professionals, improving care

Health IT isn't about replacing doctors with computers. It's about empowering medical professionals to focus on what matters most – treating patients. "Technology should bring patients, medical professionals and healthcare funders closer together," says Nomfundo Khabela, Head of Strategic Relationships at Healthbridge.

Women play a vital role in achieving this. They not only drive technical advancements but also foster innovation and strategic thinking – crucial for navigating the complexities of healthcare. "Diversity allows us to find more comprehensive solutions and create a healthcare system that works for everyone," explains Khabela.

Leading by example: A culture of inclusion

Healthbridge's commitment extends beyond technology. We foster an inclusive environment where everyone can thrive and contribute. "By celebrating and empowering women in tech, we unlock the full potential of our workforce," says Veiga-Moroldo. This commitment has earned us recognition as a Top Gender-Empowered Company by Standard Bank Top Women.

Road ahead: Amplifying diverse voices

The future of health tech is bright, but it requires continued effort. By amplifying diverse voices and experiences, we can create tools that improve healthcare outcomes for all. This aligns perfectly with Healthbridge's mission of transforming healthcare, allowing professionals to dedicate more time to patients.

Join the movement: Shaping a healthier future

"We believe women bring a unique perspective to human-centred healthcare innovation," concludes Khabela. "We invite talented women to join us in making a positive difference."
