
How to choose the right SSL certificate for your Web site

Johannesburg, 26 Jun 2018

With the recently adopted General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) making waves worldwide, it is clear that staying safe online has become a priority for users over the last couple of years. Most now know not to click on suspicious links, or to give out personal information, and are just as wary of going onto an insecure Web site. That is where SSL certificates come in.

SSL certificates are data encryption files that scramble and unscramble data. With an active SSL certificate in place, all traffic between your Web site and your customer's browser is secure.

Having an SSL certificate for your Web site offers a host of advantages for your business, including protecting sensitive customer data from third parties, boosting customer confidence, and increasing your SEO ranking.

There are three types of SSL certificates to choose from. While all SSL certificates provide protection to the users of your Web site, they differ in the level of validation between your business and the Certificate Authority.

Domain validated (DV)

If you are a small to medium-sized business, a domain validated SSL certificate might be suited to you. Activating a DV SSL is straightforward and takes only about 10 minutes to set up. This certificate will display a padlock icon next to your Web address and change your URL protocol from http to https.

Organisation validated (OV)

An organisation validated SSL certificate is a good option for company Web sites. To set up an OV SSL you will need to verify specific details about the company, including the company's name, registration number, and address with the Certification Authority.

Extended validation (EV)

Extended Validation SSL certificates are mostly used by large companies and online (e-commerce) stores. EV SSLs provide the highest possible level of security. With an EV in place, your company name will be displayed before your URL. Your URL will also show up in a green address bar, giving users an added layer of confidence.

If your Web site doesn't have an SSL Certificate, contact It can help you choose the right SSL certificate for your needs, and also advise you on a range of other topics including Web hosting and cloud servers.


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