
ICT training MOU signed

By Theo Boshoff
Johannesburg, 03 Apr 2009

ICT training MOU signed

Ghana Telecom University College and Zhong Xing Telecommunication (ZTE) University, has signed a Memorandum of Understanding in the areas of resource sharing and training, MyJoyOnline reports.

According to the agreement, the two sides will implement a long-term cooperation and offer resource sharing to each other in the training sector to enhance professional development and learning skills.

As part of the deal, ZTE will help establish a training centre with a practice laboratory to help enhance capacity building and professional development of students and lecturers.

Govt takes ICT seriously

The Zimbabwean government has met stakeholders in the ICT industry to map the way forward for coordinated policies and to discuss a proposed national strategic framework, reports The Herald.

In his opening remarks, the Minister of Information Communication Technology, Nelson Chamisa, said government took ICT very seriously as the driver of national image.

"The government has always been aware of the need and impact of information and communication technologies and hence decided to dedicate a whole ministry to ICTs with the view of exploiting its potential and positive impact on the national economic development agenda," he said.

EMC out scouting

EMC senior management is actively looking to acquire niche technology companies to complement its offering, reports

Chuck Hollis, EMC's global marketing CTO, says the state of the global economy, combined with the company's cash rich position, provided an ideal opportunity to make acquisitions.

“One of the upsides about a down economy is if you have cash, it's a hell of an opportunity and we are in a very strong cash position and we are out there looking,” Hollis says.
