
IFIP/IP3 participates in World Summit on the Information Society

Johannesburg, 14 May 2012

ITU, UNESCO, UNCTAD and UNDP will welcome all WSIS stakeholders to the WSIS Forum 2012, which will be held from 14 to 18 May 2012, and will provide structured opportunities to network, learn and to participate in multi-stakeholder discussions and consultations on WSIS implementation.

This event builds on the tradition of annual WSIS May meetings, and its new format is the result of open consultations with all WSIS stakeholders. The 2012 WSIS Forum will be hosted by ITU and will take place at the Conference Centre of the International Labour Organization (ILO). Remote Participation will be an integral component of the forum, and details are available at the WSIS Web site, at

The title of the thematic workshop that IP3 will lead is: "Improving economic development, regional GDP, innovation, education, skills, sustainability and security by creating and growing a professional ICT workforce." The workshop will present as panellists IP3 Marketing Director Moira de Roche, Immediate Past President and Fellow Computer Society South Africa; IP3 Chair Brenda Aynsley, FACS, IP3 Representative Australian Computer Society; IP3 member Lawrence Gudza, Immediate Past President, Computer Society of Zimbabwe; and Stephen Ibaraki, CIPS Fellow, CIPS, Canada.

In this session, we will present the argument that the common denominator for sustained growth in economic development, GDP, innovation, sustainability and security is a professional workforce supported by internationally accredited industry, relevant education, demonstrated skills development, recognised ethical conduct and adherence to proven best practices and standards. This involves the collaboration of business, industry, governments, academia, and professional societies. The UNESCO-founded international ICT consultative body, IFIP, has the IP3 programme to provide guidance and mentorship to its members to ensure the creation and sustained growth of a professional ICT workforce. In support of this argument, we will have representatives from countries which have started the journey to creating a professional ICT workforce present their case studies.

Their talks will encompass: motivation to begin the journey; steps taken so far, including who are their partners in their journey; results delivered so far; barriers and obstacles; and measures of success.

We invite you to join us remotely in the provided Adobe Connect rooms, on Wednesday afternoon between 4:15pm and 6pm local time (Switzerland). For registration (needed to attend remotely), please visit the WSIS Forum Web site at

For more information, contact Moira de Roche,

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