Science and technology minister Naledi Pandor has opened the nomination process for new members to be considered for appointment to the National Advisory Council on Innovation (NACI).
NACI, a government innovation agency, aims to advise the minister on the role and contribution of science, mathematics and technology. This is to promote and achieve national objectives, as well as improve and sustain the quality of life of all South Africans.
According to a statement, the new council will consist of a chairperson and 16 to 20 other members who are appointed in their personal capacities and serve on a part-time basis for a maximum of four years effective from 1 August 2018. Confirmation of the availability of the nominee is also required.
Allowances will be in accordance with the National Treasury guidelines for remuneration, the statement adds.
Nominated candidates must have achieved distinction in any field of science and technology in their own right, or in the context of innovation, special knowledge or experience in relation to the management of science and technology or innovation.
In addition, the candidates must have special insight into the role and contribution of innovation in promoting and achieving national and provincial objectives, or special knowledge and experience of the functioning of the national system of innovation or any other aspect of NACI's domain of responsibility.
Nominations should be submitted to the science and technology minister no later than 19 January, notes the statement.