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Most businesses fully committed to digital transformation

By Suzanne Franco, Surveys Editorial Project Manager at ITWeb.
Johannesburg, 09 Feb 2018
An overwhelming majority (79%) of respondents are fully committed to the digital transformation of their businesses, the survey revealed.
An overwhelming majority (79%) of respondents are fully committed to the digital transformation of their businesses, the survey revealed.

In a recent survey, the overwhelming majority (79%) of respondents confirmed they are fully committed to the digital transformation of their business.

A small percentage (12%) indicated they are unsure, and only 4% said that they are not yet committed.

According to the survey the digital transformation age is not slowing down, and organisations must bring their business up to an ever- increasing digital transformation speed.

ITWeb, in collaboration with MTN, conducted a survey to determine whether organisations in South Africa are fully committed to the digital transformation of their business, as well as establishing what pain points are delaying their conversion.

The survey attracted a range of industry sectors and company sizes, with 29% of respondents working for small organisations under 50 staff members, while 41% work for companies with more than 1 000 staff members.

It also emerged that 35% of respondents are employed in the information technology sector and 8% work in the telecommunications industry.

Despite the high commitment rate to digital transformation, 40% of respondents indicated they do not yet have a plan in place within their organisation, while 44% stated that their business has a strategy.

When it comes to the scale of the digital transformation, 50% of respondents said they were planning to implement this throughout their entire business, with 50% opting for selected areas of their business only.

The top three pain points for respondents when it comes to implementing a digital transformation are cost (30%), lack of skills (21%), and security threats (11%).

The survey revealed that workflow and business practices are the top focus areas for 43% of respondents. Operation and maintenance came second at 29%.

When asked what outcome their organisation expects from digital transformation, the majority (72%) of participants cited improved efficiency, while improved customer service ranked second (65%).

And where do businesses see digital transformation providing the most value?

Almost half (45%) see it in customer experience and engagement, while only 10% chose mobile technologies.

Interestingly, under half of the respondents (46%) said that their organisation is very dependent on digital interaction with their clients, and 36% make use of a mobile app to reach customers.

Budget constraints emerged as the biggest obstacle to taking advantage of digital trends, followed by resistance to change or aversion to taking risk, and lack of agility.
