E-learning organisation The Siyavula Foundation has announced the winners of the #1MillionMaths challenge, which took place during September. The initiative was held in partnership with the MTN SA Foundation.
According to a statement, during the competition, learners were challenged to answer a range of maths and science questions using free online textbooks that are accessible through the MTN Foundation platform.
The competition saw learners from 162 schools compete in eight categories. Over 3.5 million maths questions were completed and 300 000 stars were awarded for notable performances.
The winning learners and schools hailed from Gauteng, KwaZulu-Natal, the Free State, Limpopo and the Western Cape.
Arthur Mukhuvha, GM of the MTN SA Foundation, believes having a learning platform that is zero-rated plays a pivotal role in advancing education in South Africa.
“The fourth industrial revolution has placed the emphasis on science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) as crucial components of competitive nations. Building and sustaining a nation that can compete on the international stage means we must build this capacity in our schools.
“To ensure the material is available to as many learners as possible, MTN zero-rates the platform, meaning it is free to any MTN subscriber, so that learners and teachers alike can access the wealth of material available free of charge,” notes Mukhuvha.
Additionally, in this year’s challenge, a number of teachers participated alongside the learners.
“We were delighted by the response to this part of the challenge, which created an opportunity for entire grades or schools to compete collectively. It opened the way for teachers.
"We look forward to the year's national matric results and wish all learners the best. May your time spent on the Siyavula Challenge make a positive difference," concludes Mukhuvha.