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New property listing platform promises to shake the market

Nkhensani Nkhwashu
By Nkhensani Nkhwashu, ITWeb portals journalist.
Johannesburg, 29 Aug 2024
Under One Roof CEO, Lynne Krawchuk.
Under One Roof CEO, Lynne Krawchuk.

The property market in South Africa has a new player known as Under One Roof.

Based in Pretoria, the residential property listing service launched earlier this month and aims to shake up the market and set new standards.

CEO Lynne Krawchuk says Under One Roof is an entirely new concept set to solve some of the most frustrating problems encountered with other property listing websites.

She says while other established property platforms have undeniably set a high standard in the South African property market, and their contributions to the industry are significant, Under One Roof brings a fresh approach which is “about innovation, relationships and user experience”.

“We’re committed to building a platform that is intuitive, comprehensive, and tailored to meet the evolving needs of today’s property buyers, sellers, and renters.”

She says Under One Roof’s website was developed in collaboration with a specialised web development agency that understands the unique needs of the real estate industry.

“We opted for a custom-built platform rather than off-the-shelf e-commerce software, allowing us to tailor features and functionalities specifically for property listings, user experience, and integrations with other property-related services. We are going to completely change the way properties are showcased. We will reveal the power of delivering an innovative property ecosystem that will optimise anyone’s property journey, be that the property practitioner or agency, the buyer, seller, or renter.”

Krawchuk explains that the key differentiator with Under One Roof is its functionality and pricing plan. All users, be it buyers, sellers, renters, landlords, developers, or property practitioners, are provided with a unique login aligned to their own customised backend dashboard.

Under One Roof addresses market challenges for small to medium property players by offering affordable listing packages. A one-off subscription fee allows unused months to transfer to another listing if the first property sells. Additionally, they provide free branding for estate agents.

Things are also made easier for buyers, especially those who either do not fully comprehend the property purchase journey or are frustrated by the number of steps in the process, Krawchuk says. Under One Roof offers to source bond origination, bridging finance, rate clearance certificates and assistance.

When asked how the platform has performed since its launch, she says; “We’ve experienced a steady and encouraging increase in the number of property listings on our platform. The growth in listings reflects the trust and confidence that estate agents and property owners are placing in Under One Roof. We’ve received overwhelmingly positive feedback regarding the platform's user-friendly interface, which simplifies the process of listing properties, and the innovative features we've integrated.”

When it comes to data privacy and security, she says they are fully committed to adhering to all relevant regulations and best practices in data protection, ensuring users' information is not only secure but also handled with the highest level of care and integrity.

Their goal for the next 6-12 months is to solidify Under One Roof’s position as a trusted and go-to platform in the South African property market. There are plans to introduce commercial and retail properties too.
