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Open source has its place in the enterprise database management systems world

Johannesburg, 17 Mar 2014

Since Oracle's acquisition of MySQL in 2010, Ascent Technology has witnessed an increasing uptake amongst its clients of what is considered to be the world's most popular open source relational database management system.

Ascent is of the opinion that clients are much more comfortable using the MySQL solution now, as they have confidence in the fact that it is owned by one of the largest entities in the database management arena.

MySQL is both a stable and cost effective platform, and its level of maturity is evidenced by the fact that Ascent currently supports MySQL databases in the production environments of a number of its clients.

For more information on MySQL and the professional services that can be delivered around this, Click Here.


Ascent Technology

Ascent Technology is carving a growing niche for itself by applying high-level skills and expertise on its clients' behalf in the enterprise database management arena.

The company has been around since 2003, and has built an outstanding reputation for its expert knowledge and delivery. Microsoft SA, Oracle SA and IBM SA all rate Ascent Technology in the top select handful of organisations in the country in the enterprise database management area of specialisation.

Editorial contacts

Johan Lamberts
Ascent Technology
(+27) 11 745 1340