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Overcoming poor cellular coverage in corporate settings

By Tobie van Schalkwyk, Business Unit Manager at Duxbury Networking.
Cellular connectivity, the backbone of modern business operations.
Cellular connectivity, the backbone of modern business operations.

In today’s connected world, businesses require reliable cellular connectivity to ensure communications and access to digital resources are maintained, especially given the growing number of hybrid workers. Decisions are made in real-time and the market demands instant communication. Even the slightest glitch in cellular connectivity can result in significant disruptions.

These disruptions affect not just the operational workflows but also the strategic initiatives of companies. With local businesses looking to expand their reach and embrace more flexible work models, the dependency on cellular networks becomes even more critical. Addressing the challenges of cellular connectivity in corporate settings entails putting in place an environment where connectivity is taken care of, regardless of external factors.

Cornerstone of connectivity

Cellular connectivity is the backbone of modern business operations. It facilitates seamless communication, collaboration and access to essential cloud-based services. However, weak or unreliable signals in office buildings and large corporate complexes are more common than one might expect. This can disrupt productivity, cause frustration and result in inefficiencies among employees.

Disrupted communication has a direct and immediate effect. At a time when every e-mail, call or message holds potential significance, connectivity issues can result in miscommunication, delayed responses and missed opportunities. This not only hinders the flow of information, but also affects decision-making processes and project timelines.

The growing prevalence of remote work highlights the necessity of reliable connectivity. Employees working from locations outside the office environment depend heavily on stable cellular signals. Poor coverage can severely limit their ability to work effectively, leading to productivity losses and frustration.

Furthermore, the quality of cellular coverage is crucial in maintaining healthy client relations. The professional image of a company can be significantly marred by dropped calls, poor voice quality and delayed communications. Such issues can erode client trust and potentially damage long-standing business relationships.

The Nextivity approach

Nextivity recognises the need for dependable cellular connectivity in corporate settings. Nextivity has pioneered advanced signal-boosting technology, including its IntelliBoost system, specifically designed to overcome these challenges. Its solutions are tailored to ensure consistent cellular reception across a variety of work settings, addressing the core needs of modern businesses.

Central to this is enhancing internal communications. IntelliBoost technology plays a vital role in improving the clarity and reliability of calls and messages within corporate infrastructure. This enhancement is crucial in ensuring that internal communications are transmitted clearly and without interruption, fostering a more efficient and cohesive operational environment.

Nextivity's technology also empowers remote work capabilities. By boosting cellular signals, Nextivity’s solutions ensure that employees remain connected and productive, regardless of their location. This connectivity is indispensable for those working from home, remote offices or even while travelling, providing them with the necessary tools to perform their duties effectively.

The Nextivity approach to connectivity extends to how businesses interact with their clients. Strong and reliable connectivity facilitated by Nextivity's technology ensures that every client interaction is smooth and professional. This level of reliability is key to enhancing a company’s professional image and improving overall client satisfaction.

Future-proofing workplaces

Ultimately, local businesses are looking for solutions that not only address their current cellular signal challenges but enable them to future-proof their communication environment. As these technologies continue to emerge and evolve, the demand for reliable and robust connectivity becomes even more imperative.

Cellular signal-boosting solutions must therefore be able to adapt and evolve in tandem with the availability of advanced technologies. This adaptability is crucial for businesses to stay ahead in a rapidly changing digital environment.

The role of reliable connectivity in supporting business growth cannot be overstated. It forms a foundational element that underpins innovation and expansion. With the technology provided by Nextivity, businesses can confidently pursue growth and expansion plans, knowing that their communication infrastructure is capable of overcoming any challenge.

The challenges posed by poor cellular coverage in corporate settings are not insurmountable. With Nextivity's IntelliBoost technology, businesses can transform their connectivity challenges into opportunities for growth, efficiency and enhanced client relations. As we look to the future, we remain committed to innovating and providing solutions that not only meet the current needs of businesses, but also anticipate and prepare them for the challenges of tomorrow.


Duxbury Networking

Since its formation in 1984 by CEO, Graham Duxbury, Duxbury Networking has embraced ongoing technological changes within the ICT sector to provide its customers with access to the latest trends and solutions. Satisfying the evolving and diverse needs of its customer base is achieved through an emphasis on sourcing cost-effective, high-quality products from carefully selected local and international vendors. Aligned with this is the provision of uncompromising technical support, which is possible due to an extensive investment in the training and upskilling of its team. The company is driven to take an active role in reshaping and redefining the South African digital landscape in its mission to help its customers build a network that will support current and future technologies. 

Editorial contacts

Natasha Queiroz
Block 2 Riviera Office Park 66 Oxford Road Riviera 2193
(+27) 011 351 9800