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  • Presence Technology launches 'Unified Instance Manager' and doubles the capabilities of the contact centre

Presence Technology launches 'Unified Instance Manager' and doubles the capabilities of the contact centre

News on multichannel and supervisor Call Centre Monitoring from all types of mobile devices.

Johannesburg, 04 Dec 2015

Presence Technology, a provider of contact centre technology, announces the release of its new architecture (Unified Instance Manager) that allows its customers to meet their growing needs with total flexibility.

This new technology allows contact centres have in one instance up to 3 000 agents with unified administration, supervision and reporting, easy balancing of services across platforms, a single directory of agents as well as full CTI transfer (voice and data) of interactions between different departments.

Other great feature that has been incorporated into the suite is a new generation of tools to support Omnichannel strategies in contact centres. It's what Gartner names tools for implementing an efficient Customer Engagement Centre. The Presence suite renews its chat channel module aligning multichannel strategy with their customers, more and more used to this way of real time communication. Additional security Protocols have also been incorporated to facilitate compliance with the security policies of the companies observing the requirements of data protection laws in different regions.

On the other hand, thanks to the functional enhancements of the Presence Scripting module, the customer service centres increase the personalisation of care, critical point in Customer Engagement Centre strategies.

The third large set of new features of the Presence suite includes the improvement of access to the information in real-time by the managers using mobile devices. The mobility offered to all levels of operational management of contact centre allows performance improvement increasing flexibility. Presence customers will have the information on what is happening in their centres in real-time right from their mobile devices, without the need to access the supervisory and management tools on their desktop computers. Also the work of supervisors is facilitated by incorporating new options of interaction monitoring, new displays and the ability to have greater control and insight over the level and quality of the service delivered.

"The directors of the contact centre need access to the information in real-time. One of the main goals in this new product release is to offer applications for their mobile or tablets where managers can consult at any time the service levels, overall performance and other relevant KPIs and we believe that it will be useful on a daily basis," says Alfredo Gonz'alez, Presence Product Director.

According to Francisco Segovia, Presence Technology CTO: "Unified Instance Manager enables our customers to grow while maintaining full functionality and flexibility they enjoyed in previous versions of our suite. It has been a very interesting challenge and many hours of development, but we are very proud and look forward to meeting the expectations of our customers".

To learn more about these new features included in Presence Suite, please contact us at:


Presence Technology

Presence Technology is a worldwide leading provider of multi-channel contact centre solutions that enable contact centres to optimise resources and improve communication process efficiencies between companies and their customers. Presence has a portfolio of global clients serviced by a team of highly skilled professionals, and a network of strategic partners in North America, Latin America, Europe, and Africa supporting their efforts around the world.

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Editorial contacts

Fabienne Ducarouge
Presence Technology
(+34) 9310 10300