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Pure Storage delivers largest performance, efficiency, security advancements with next-generation FlashArray //X and //C

New FlashArray models deliver up to 40% higher performance, 30% more inline compression to stretch storage capacity and new ransomware protection capabilities delivered entirely via non-disruptive upgrade.

Las Vegas, 20 Jun 2023

Today at Pure//Accelerate, Pure Storage (NYSE: PSTG), which positions itself as the IT pioneer that delivers the world’s most advanced data storage technology and services, announced the release of the next-generation FlashArray//X and //C R4 models. The new FlashArray models deliver global enterprises with the data agility, performance, security and cost savings needed to seamlessly and economically scale business operations with the most efficient storage product line in the industry. 

Industry significance

The combination of data growth, changes in application types, new technologies and the need to move faster drive a critical need for agility, yet organisations continue to face pressure to get more done with less energy, less time and reduced costs.

However, today’s fragmented and siloed storage solutions, coupled with stagnant IT budgets and countless manual, inflexible operations, continue to result in increased opex costs, while the rapid growth of data causes existing storage platforms to reach capacity and management limits too quickly.

The next-generation FlashArray //X and //C supports the industry’s agile storage needs by pioneering the industry’s leading all-flash platform that uniquely integrates hardware with a unified PurityOS software architecture across all products.

News highlights

With a massive leap forward in performance and scale, FlashArray continues to lead the storage industry, powering the most demanding applications and business-critical workloads while reducing their overall management costs by up to 74%. Pure’s Evergreen //Forever subscribers can take advantage of the massive performance and efficiency gains at no additional cost and completely non-disruptively.

With the latest FlashArray //X and //C R4 models, customers get:

  • Up to 40% performance boost: The latest R4 models drive up to a 40% performance boost, over 80% increased memory speeds to support greater workload consolidation and a 30% inline compression boost to stretch storage capacity further. Built on PCIe Gen4 technology and using the latest Intel Xeon chipset and DDR5 DRAM, FlashArray//X and //C R4 gives customers more power to support more workloads with up to 74% TCO savings.
  • More choices for business-critical workloads: By expanding its FlashArray//C line with FlashArray//C90, Pure Storage enables more customer choices for business-critical workloads and data where sub 2m second latency is not required, making it the perfect platform for operational databases, workload consolidation, BCDR and file workloads, including VMware, PACs and file stores.
  • Industry’s largest flash drives: FlashArray//C will include the upcoming release of 75TB QLC DirectFlash Modules with built-in non-volatile RAM (DFMDs), while FlashArray//X will include 36TB TLC DFMDs. These DFMDs deliver 1.5PB per 3RU, a 106% improvement in density per rack unit. DFMDs, first introduced with FlashArray//XL, reduce rack space requirements and enable even more scale with capacity and improved NVRAM throughput. DirectFlash provides 20x greater reliability and drives over 4x more energy efficiency compared to competing all-flash arrays.
  • Continuous innovation, without extra cost or disruption: Pure customers can take advantage of the R4 upgrades at no cost via a completely non-disruptive, no-downtime upgrade through Pure’s patented Evergreen architecture and subscription offering. Evergreen//Flex uniquely adds how hardware components and controllers can be re-used across the family. Pure Storage pioneered the notion of non-disruptive upgrades via a subscription to continuous innovation and has since upgraded more than 30 000 active storage arrays.
  • Improved data protection: FlashArray Auto-on SafeMode has been extended to new volumes on existing arrays, including a new default snapshot schedule and snapshot protection for up to 30 days. This gives customers ultimate protection for all data, with no additional effort, while still providing granular controls as needed.

Executive Insight:

  • “Pure pioneered all-flash storage, and the 4th generation of FlashArray //X and //C extends our multi-year leadership advantage. We’re driving the revolution of an all-flash data centre at the cost of disk, which unlocks the incredible density, opex and power efficiency savings needed for next-generation data centres,” said Shawn Hansen, VP and GM, FlashArray, Pure Storage.
  • “FlashArray has long supported us in improving the performance and availability for our enterprise clients’ most critical workloads. These powerful new advancements in efficiency, performance and security will allow Involta to unlock even more value and scalability while driving ongoing TCO savings with unified, efficient management,” said Josh Holst, Vice-President of Cloud Services, Involta.


Pure Storage

Pure Storage (NYSE: PSTG) uncomplicates data storage, forever. Pure delivers a cloud experience that empowers every organization to get the most from their data while reducing the complexity and expense of managing the infrastructure behind it. Pure’s commitment to providing true storage as-a-service gives customers the agility to meet changing data needs at speed and scale, whether they are deploying traditional workloads, modern applications, containers, or more. Pure believes it can make a significant impact in reducing data center emissions worldwide through its environmental sustainability efforts, including designing products and solutions that enable customers to reduce their carbon and energy footprint. And with the highest Net Promoter Score in the industry, Pure's ever-expanding list of customers are among the happiest in the world. For more information,

Analyst Recognition:

Leader in the 2022 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Primary Storage

Leader in the 2022 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Distributed File Systems & Object Storage

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Editorial contacts

Kaylin Deutscher