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Singularity University to host Exponential Finance Summit

Staff Writer
By Staff Writer, ITWeb
Johannesburg, 27 Feb 2019
Dr Adriana Marais, head of innovation at SAP Africa and Singularity University South Africa faculty member.
Dr Adriana Marais, head of innovation at SAP Africa and Singularity University South Africa faculty member.

Singularity University SA will host the inaugural Exponential Finance Summit, which will take place at the Cape Town International Convention Centre on 29 and 30 May.

Singularity University is a global organisation that holds summits around the world to help local leaders understand how emerging technology can be used to create positive change and economic growth.

Bringing together 20 of the world's foremost innovators in technology, finance and investment, the Exponential Finance Summit aims to showcase how exponential technologies are expected to shape and disrupt the financial industry.

The event is hosted in collaboration with The Development Bank of Southern Africa, Deloitte, Discovery and MTN.

Attendees will be empowered with the latest insights on how to boost GDP growth, create employment, and attract foreign direct investment, a key enabler of economic growth that is especially important for emerging market economies, notes Singularity University.

"Exponential Finance will be a transformative experience for attendees. SingularityU South Africa convenes the world's experts to introduce attendees to exponential technologies and equip them with the mindset and leadership needed to take the finance industry into the future," says Rob Nail, CEO and associate founder of Singularity University.

"We expect that these two days will incite and inspire action that will lead to breakthroughs in Africa's economy."

Speakers include newly appointed SingularityU SA faculty members, such as blockchain and crypto-currency expert, Tanya Knowles; urban planning expert, Geci Karuri-Sebina (PhD); robotics, artificial intelligence (AI), deep learning and decision theory researcher, Benjamin Rosman; and geophysicist and entrepreneur Ashley Anthony.

Dr Adriana Marais, theoretical physicist and head of innovation at SAP Africa, will also present.

Topics to be addressed include how exponential technologies are influencing digital and cashless banking, mobile payment solutions, AI and big data-driven financial solutions, robotics, insurance, asset management, the future of work, and automation within the African marketplace.

"As part of our journey in future-proofing Africa, we are thrilled with our next SingularityU South Africa Summit iteration that will focus solely on the financial sector. The timing is crucial for South Africa to learn, network and collaborate, using exponential technologies so as not to get left behind and be disrupted," says Shayne Mann, co-CEO of SingularityU SA.

Ticket prices will range from:R16 650 to R32 450.
