Survey: Mac OS X most secure, Linux least

By Damian Clarkson
Johannesburg, 03 Nov 2004

Survey: Mac OS X most secure, Linux least

Security firm Mi2g has released a report declaring Mac OS X and BSD Unix the "world`s safest online computing environments" and Linux the least secure, although some security experts say the findings could be misleading.

After analysing 235 907 successful break-ins, it was found that 65.64% were made against Linux-based systems. Microsoft Windows computers accounted for 25.19% of all break-ins recorded, while Mac OS X- or BSD-based computers accounted for only 4.82%, Computerworld reports.

However, Mac OS X and BSD Unix represent a smaller installed computer base than Windows or Linux, leading to what some security experts and industry pundits call "security through obscurity". Because there are fewer Macs, fewer hackers will try to exploit them, since they aren`t as familiar with the operating system and their efforts are less likely to have a widespread impact.

PalmOne to run Microsoft?

Investment firm Needham and Company says it is "virtually certain" that PalmOne will use a mobile version of Windows on future Treo smartphones.

In October 2001, market research firm Aberdeen Group was first to spread information of such a move. Analyst Isaac Ro said at the time that PocketPCs were more versatile for corporate environments than PalmOS-based handhelds and therefore created a need for the device to adapt the Microsoft operating system, Tom`s Hardware reports.

PalmOne did not comment on Needham`s report but said it may have been a "misunderstanding" and "speculation".

A spokesperson said the company would always evaluate other platforms from time to time as part of its ongoing strategy, but added that it could not see a need to extend its product line at this time.

Apple disables iTunes plug-in

Apple has disabled an add-on program for the latest iTunes release, preventing users from transferring songs off their iPods.

Apple originally announced that iTunes 4.7 would incorporate features such as support for the iPod Photo and the ability to find and delete duplicate tracks in a music library, but the company stated this week that version 4.7 breaks compatibility with iPodDownload.

According to ZDNet, there are other programs - none sanctioned by Apple - that allow iPod owners to copy or recover music from an iPod, but most require another step for the music to be imported back into iTunes.

Musicians perform first live phone gig

Rock outfit Rooster this week performed what has been billed as the first ever concert broadcast by phone.

According to BBC, the 45-minute London gig was "phone cast" by 3G mobile phone operator 3. Around 1 000 fans paid ₤5 (R65) for a ticket and needed a 3G handset, says 3 spokesperson Belinda Henderson. "It`s like going to a concert hall, except that you are virtually there."

3G technology lets people take, watch and send video clips on their phones, as well as swap data much faster than with 2G networks like GSM.