Symbian releases PDK 3.0

By James Lawson
Johannesburg, 09 Jul 2010

Symbian releases PDK 3.0

The Symbian Foundation has released the next version of the Symbian Product Development Kit (PDK) 3.0, based on the Symbian 3 operating system, states eWeek.

The PDK contains a full build of the Symbian 3 platform, along with corresponding source code. It is the first release that supports a full user interface ROM, which executes on ARMv5 platforms. The PDK also includes better support for Java applications.

"Recently, Nokia contributed the JRT to the Symbian Foundation and it is available in the latest Symbian 3 PDK. This means that developers can write Java applications for Symbian 3 devices, like the recently announced Nokia N8," says Jyrki Aarnos, package owner for the Mobile Runtime for Java Applications.

Co-op to use 3 000 virtual desktops

The Co-operative Group will fill its Manchester headquarters with 3 000 low-power thin client devices and laptops running desktop virtualisation, writes

The company says the move is part of a cost consolidation, carbon footprint reduction initiative, providing a flexible working strategy.

"We were always going to do desktop virtualisation, and there is a big business case around streamlined support," says Dave Murrell, head of servers, storage and desktops at The Co-operative Group.

SCO appeals Novell case ruling

After the final ruling in the US District Court of Utah, in June, SCO has filed an appeal to its legal battle with Novell, says ITWorld.

SCO has asked the 10th Circuit Court of Appeal to reconsider all rulings, including the final judgement, or start a new trial.

The dispute, which dates back to 2003 when SCO sued IBM, surrounds contributing Unix code to Linux.

Facebook buys NextStop

Facebook has acquired NextStop, a San Francisco-based start-up that lets 'netizens' share advice on where to go and what to do, says The Register.

"This creates a number of big changes for the NextStop product and our community," says NextStop in a Web post, "but we believe it's an opportunity for some of the ideas behind NextStop to reach Facebook's audience of more than 400 million users and have a much bigger impact on the world than we could on our own."

The employees will join Facebook, with the site to be shut down on 1 September.