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Tarsus on Demand revolutionises legal practices with Microsoft Azure migration

Johannesburg, 07 Nov 2023
Tarsus on Demand facilitates the seamless migration of firms to the cloud, offering a free consultation worth R4,500.
Tarsus on Demand facilitates the seamless migration of firms to the cloud, offering a free consultation worth R4,500.

Tarsus on Demand, which positions itself as a leading technology solutions provider, is driving a transformative wave in the legal industry through Microsoft Azure. The company unveiled advanced migration services, guiding law firms through the streamlined process. This collaboration propels law firms into a new era of innovation and efficiency, ensuring they stay ahead in the dynamic legal landscape.

Central to this groundbreaking initiative is Microsoft Azure, renowned for its versatility and power. Azure offers law firms an optimised approach, providing access to a suite of over 600 specialised tools designed to assist legal practices. Tarsus on Demand's expert migration process ensures firms can leverage these tools effortlessly, enhancing the speed and efficiency of their legal operations.

Migrating to Azure's SQL server delivers compelling advantages. Firms experience a significant 20% cost reduction through cloud migration, enabling strategic resource reallocation for growth and innovation. Azure's streamlined data management increases data productivity by 40%, saving valuable billable hours previously spent on information handling.

A standout feature of Azure is its robust security protocols, including encryption, fire-walling and identity management. These measures safeguard digital assets, providing law firms and their clients with unmatched data protection. Azure's Site Recovery feature guarantees swift data restoration during emergencies, reinforcing the platform's reliability.

Azure's scalability and financial flexibility are transformative for law firms, eliminating the need for costly physical infrastructure. Law firms can focus on their core competencies, unburdened by upfront costs. Legal professionals can dedicate their time and resources to cases, confident that Azure's tools are efficiently managing their data.

In 2023, Azure is not just a choice, it's a necessity in this era of innovation, and the key to unlocking legal excellence begins with Tarsus on Demand. Let us handle your migration matters so you can focus on your legal matters – together, we'll shape the future of law. Tarsus on Demand invites legal professionals to embrace innovation and future-proof their practices.

To experience the transformative power of Microsoft Azure, book a free consultation worth R4 500 today. Step into a future where legal excellence knows no bounds.


Tarsus on Demand

Tarsus on Demand is a leading technology solutions provider, specializing in guiding businesses through digital transformation journeys. Focused on the legal industry, Tarsus on Demand empowers law firms to embrace innovation and efficiency through seamless migration to Microsoft Azure. For more information, visit or contact below for media inquiries.

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