After 17 years at the helm, Tony Parry will retire from his position as CEO of the Institute of Information Technology Professionals South Africa (IITPSA).
According to a statement, Parry will officially step down in mid-2025, following the appointment of a successor and a handover period.
The president and board of the IITPSA will shortly begin the process of recruiting a new CEO, it states.
IITPSA president Pearl Pasi thanked Parry for his years of dedicated service, saying: “The board of the IITPSA acknowledges with gratitude Tony’s ethical and professional leadership over this time, as well as his passionate, dedicated and constant advocacy for the IITPSA.”
As South Africa’s ICT professional body, the IITPSA is recognised by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA).
Established in 1957 under the name Computer Society South Africa (CSSA), the IITPSA aims to extend the knowledge, understanding and usage of ICT in the community.
A fellow and professional member of the institute and long-serving member of almost 37 years, Parry started his IT career working with Cobol and Natural Adabas as a developer, and progressed through the ranks to CIO before joining the institute.
He has been lauded for his contribution in leading the team through several challenges and milestones during his tenure.
Included among these is the name change from CSSA to the IITPSA in 2013; achieving the SAQA recognition as the professional body for IT in South Africa in 2012; having two IITPSA professional designations – Pr.CIO and PMIITPSA – registered by SAQA on the NQF; and achieving the International Professional Practice Partnership accreditation in 2015.
In addition, the IITPSA put in place an industry standard IT Career Development Framework; partnered with the Joburg Centre for Software Engineering for the IITPSA ICT Skills Survey; and established a modern, comprehensive and best practice code of ethics for ICT practitioners, according to the statement.