With a year to go before prepaid electricity meters are impacted by the Token Identifier (TID) rollover, National Treasury is stepping into the fray with a tender for the audit and conversion of existing prepaid electricity meters, and the supply and management of new smart meters.
Meter conversion is a priority for municipalities, as South Africa's STS Association has warned the prepaid utility systems – from token purchasing through to customer devices – need to be refreshed before the TID rollover takes place on 24 November 2024.
At this point, customer devices will not recognise newly-purchased prepaid tokens. What's more, the devices will accept tokens that were purchased before the rollover date, even if they had been previously redeemed.
National Treasury’s tender follows a request for information on smart utility management solutions for prepaid electricity and water issued in early 2022.
At the time, the department’s transversal contracting unit said it was focusing on addressing the number of municipalities that were experiencing financial stress, and, in some instances, in a state of crisis.
Adopting an efficient revenue collection model was expected to yield numerous benefits for municipalities, it said, including improved revenue flow; improved cash management and more accurate cash flow forecasting capabilities; greater interest earnings on investments; consistent and equal treatment of taxpayers; greater budget control and ability to complete projects in a timely fashion; improved credit worthiness and reduction in borrowing costs; and accurate meter reading information for reliable bills to be generated.
While this initial request for information did not make mention of the TID rollover, the current tender calls specifically for the auditing of existing prepayment meters and associated TID conversion. In addition, it is looking for the supply, installation, management and maintenance of a smart metering solution for electricity and water for a period of three years.
Other tenders that make this week’s top 10 include:
- The South African Revenue Service is looking for a financial analysis tool. This will assist in the determination of what constitutes an arm’s length amount of debt through an analysis of the taxpayer’s financial position and the determination of a credit rating.
The City of Cape Town is calling for the design, build, operation and maintenance of the MyCiTi automated fare collection (AFC), intermodal transport control (ITC) and on-board CCTV systems. The core AFC and ITC systems (hardware and software) shall be supplied, operated (AFC only) and maintained on a rental basis, with auxiliary systems being procured and owned by the metro.
Sentech is once again looking to appoint accredited installers and installation companies to a panel to provide domestic DTT, DTH and ID TV installations in all South African provinces. The invitation is limited to bidders that currently operate in their respective provinces. The successful bidder will be required to install, test and commission each installation as per the specifications.
The Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (Prasa), through its investment arm Intersite Investment, is calling for proposals for the installation, commissioning, operation and maintenance of new optical fibre infrastructure along Prasa’s railway network in Gauteng, Western Cape and KwaZulu-Natal. It states its optic fibre network, urban railway routes and land, and stations represent the three main value propositions Intersite can leverage to launch telecommunications services which its strategic partners can use to create commercial opportunities and revenue generation.
- Eskom kicks off a series of tenders with a call for the replacement of the current workforce management solution to be hosted in the cloud and within the borders of South Africa or Europe. The tool is used to forecast workload, schedule contact centre agents and monitor their performance. This enables the business to optimise available resources, increase service levels and ensure service excellence, while achieving better cost management.
Eskom is also advertising for the provision of network equipment on an as and when required basis for the design, supply, delivery, installation, commissioning, training, support and repair of multiservice access network equipment. The utility’s multi-service access platform is necessitated by key business drivers, including current bandwidth management equipment obsolescence and the capacity constraints on Eskom Telecommunications' current network.
In addition, the utility requires information security scorecard management services. Eskom notes a cyber security scorecard can help organisations overcome challenges by providing a clear picture of their security posture, identifying areas for improvement and prioritising security investments.
Proposals are invited from OEMs for maintenance, support and professional services for Eskom’s application delivery F5 devices. The pricing schedule specifies 17 devices and 80 hours of professional services.
Eskom is re-advertising for the procurement of a risk metrics data subscription licence for treasury portfolio assessment. This is used to measure, monitor and report the financial market risk the Eskom Group is exposed to.
Finally, the utility is seeking information on the metal alloy self-support (MASS) fibre for exiting transmission lines. Currently in Eskom, the fibre-optic cable network constitutes an integral component of the telecoms network and thereby supports the provision of bandwidth and reliable telecoms services as required by its business systems. It notes over 3 000km of the network is ADLash cable that has reached end of life and the optical performance has deteriorated.
New tenders
National Treasury
The department is advertising for the audit and TID conversion of existing prepayment meters and the supply, delivery, installation, management and maintenance of a smart metering solution for a36-month period.
Non-compulsory briefing: 20 October – virtual
Tender no: RT29-2024
Information: Masea Ramaloko, Tel:060 998 5509; E-mail: Masea.Ramaloko@treasury.gov.za.
Closing date: 10 November 2023
Tags: Hardware, software, services, prepaid, meters, smart meters, TID rollover, support and maintenance
South African Revenue Service
SARS requires a financial analysis tool for a three-year period.
Tender no: RFP 14/2023
Information: Tender Office, Tel:081 037 9162; E-mail: tenderoffice@sars.gov.za.
Tags: Software, applications, analysis
City ofCape Town
The metro is calling for the design, build, operation and maintenance of the MyCiTi automated fare collection, intermodal transport control and on-board CCTV systems.
Compulsory briefing: 26 October
Tender no: 80S/2023/24
Information: Taryn Hector, Tel: 021 444 6703, E-mail: taryn.hector@capetown.gov.za.
Closing date: 30 November 2023
Tags: Hardware, software, software development, services, managed services, support and maintenance
The company wishes to appoint a panel of installers or installation companies for the installation of domestic digital terrestrial television set-top boxes, direct to home set-top boxes and an integrated digital television receive system in all nine provinces for a one-year period.
Non-compulsory briefing: 20 October – Microsoft Teams
Tender no: SENT-037-2023-24
Information: Amukelani, Norman or Nosipho, Tel:011 471 4590; E-mail: tendera@sentech.co.za.
Closing date: 3 November 2023
Tags: Telecommunications, broadcasting, set-top boxes, digital terrestrial television, direct-to-home, integrated digital television receive system
Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa
Proposals are requested for the installation, commissioning, operation and maintenance of a new optical fibre infrastructure along Prasa’s railway network in Gauteng, Western Cape and KwaZulu-Natal for the sole purpose of commercialisation.
Non-compulsory briefing: 25 October
Tender no: RFP/INT01/10/2023
Information: Tshifularo, Tel: 011 085 7428, E-mail: tnematatani@prasa.com.
Closing date: 24 November 2023
Tags: Telecommunications, fibre
The utility is advertising for the replacement of the current workforce management solution that will be hosted in the cloud and within the borders of South Africa or Europe.
Non-compulsory briefing: 24 October – Microsoft Teams
Tender no: MWP2238DX
Information: Thandeka Jiyane, Tel:021 550 5259; E-mail: JiyaneET@eskom.co.za.
Closing date: 9 November 2023
Tags: Software, workforce management, human capital management, cloud computing
Eskom is also advertising for the provision of network equipment on an as and when required basis for a five-year period for the design, supply, delivery, installation, commissioning, training, support, and repair of multiservice access network equipment.
Non-compulsory briefing: 25 October – virtual
Tender no: MWP2180TX
Information: Mmbudzeni Netshiavha, Tel:011 800 5049; E-mail: netshim@eskom.co.za.
Closing date: 30 November 2023
Tags: Telecommunications, hardware, networking
Information security scorecard management services are also required for a five-year duration.
Tender no: MWP2162CX
Information: Violet Beetha, Tel:011 800 3012; E-mail: BeethaVM@eskom.co.za.
Closing date: 30 October 2023
Tags: Services, professional services, information security scorecard management, consulting, security, cyber security
Proposals are invited from OEMs for maintenance, support and professional services for application delivery F5 devices.
Tender no: MWP2036CX-R
Information: Herman Mhlongo, Tel:011 516 7653; E-mail: mhlongh@eskom.co.za.
Closing date: 3 November 2023
Tags: Hardware, services, professional services, support and maintenance
Eskom is re-advertising for the procurement of risk metrics data subscription licence for treasury portfolio assessment.
Tender no: MWP2032CX-R
Information: Herman Mhlongo, Tel:011 516 7653; E-mail: mhlongh@eskom.co.za.
Closing date: 9 November 2023
Tags: Software, software licensing
Request for information
The utility is looking for information on alternative fibre (MASS fibre) deployment on existing transmission lines.
Tender no: MWP2232TX
Information: Ofhani Masakoana, Tel:013 297 9690; E-mail: TshikoO@eskom.co.za.
Closing date: 2 November 2023
Tags: Telecommunications, hardware, fibre