
Top ICT tenders: SITA adds solar to networking tender

Kimberly Guest
By Kimberly Guest, ITWeb contributor
Johannesburg, 11 Jun 2024
SITA has added solar requirements to its request for network cabling infrastructure.
SITA has added solar requirements to its request for network cabling infrastructure.

Activity on National Treasury’s eTender Portal is beginning to pick up again; however, national government departments are remaining conspicuously quiet. Provincial departments, on the other hand, are still open to doing business, with several requests targeted at the technology sector.

The State IT Agency (SITA) sets the pace this week with three tenders on offer, two of which are transversal tenders.

The first one particularly stands out, as the agency has added solar requirements to its request for network cabling infrastructure, limited to server rooms.

SITA has divided the scope of work into four categories: supply of standalone products such as network cabling, HVAC and UPS infrastructure; basic installation and cabling skills; supply and installation of the solutions requiring basic design; and finally, more advanced cabling and installation services, which includes the installation of a solar solution.

In its second transversal tender, SITA invites interested parties to apply for accreditation in its refresh of the panel of service providers for the Eastern Cape broadband rollout, including maintenance and support.

The agency notes the project aims to link up 2 700 sites in line with the SA Connect targets to provide broadband access services to government facilities in the Eastern Cape Provincial Government district municipalities.

The first, the build phase of the project, will be for service providers to link up the designated 2 700 sites, while the second, the operations phase, entails upgrades of the installed 2 250 x 100MG links to 1Gig access links, as well as maintenance and support of the access links.

In its final advertisement, SITA wishes to establish a new three-year development, support and licence maintenance agreement for its information technology service management (ITSM) system.

This includes application and user licences on a variety of BMC software solutions, as well as ITSM7 suite. Professional services are also specified to cater for specific integration requirements not included as part of standard maintenance, while provision of additional licences will be supported through individual proposals accepted by relevant clients as growth dictates.

Other tenders that make this week’s top 10:

  • Gauteng’s Department of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs wishes to appoint a service provider for phase three of the development of a GIS-based dashboard system. This phase focuses specifically on change management and process embedding through the Gauteng DDM champion structures.
  • The Eastern Cape Department of Human Settlements is advertising for the development of an enterprise content management solution. The desired solution will improve efficiency, meet legislative requirements in terms of document and records management functionality, and ensure records in all formats are managed in a cohesive manner.

  • In a second tender, the provincial department is looking for the services of a suitably-qualified and experienced service provider for the implementation of IT disaster-recovery-as-a-service and backup-as-a-service. The contract also includes the supply and installation of additional storage for data and backups, utilising the SITA RFB 2003/2014 transversal contract.

  • The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) is advertising for the supply of a fixed-line fibre managed circuit with 1Gbps committed rates between the South African National Research Network sites at the University of KwaZulu-Natal’s Pietermaritzburg campus and the Agricultural Research Council’s Cedara campus. The CSIR notes that bidders must avoid provisioning circuits using shared infrastructure as much as possible.

  • The Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration requires Oracle technical support services renewal. It notes it has been using the Named User Plus Metric licence model for its Oracle database environment.

  • Transnet is inviting proposals for the provision of an extended detection and response (XDR) solution with a maintenance and support licence. The organisation notes this will improve its defence against cyber attacks, with early threat detection, real-time monitoring, faster incident response and improved security visibility.

  • Eskom closes the issue with a request for a partner to implement the health, safety and environment module in Maximo. The utility reveals a gap analysis was conducted and the results determined that only 49% of functionality is implemented in Maximo, thus 51% of functionality is outstanding and will require to be implemented to fully satisfy the required need.

New tenders

State Information Technology Agency

The agency is advertising a transversal tender that will establish a panel of service providers for the design, supply, installation, maintenance and support of network cabling infrastructure, solar solution and the related infrastructure products limited to server rooms for five years.

Non-compulsory briefing: 13 June – Microsoft Teams
Tender no: RFA 2168/2024
Information: Audrey Matlapeng, Tel: 012 482 2339, E-mail:
Closing date: 1 July 2024

­Tags: Transversal tender, hardware, networking, servers, solar, services, support and maintenance

In a second transversal tender, the agency wishes to refresh its panel of service providers for the Eastern Cape broadband rollout, including maintenance and support.

Non-compulsory briefing: 13 June – Microsoft Teams
Tender no: RFA 2045/2024
Information: Audrey Matlapeng, Tel: 012 482 2339, E-mail:
Closing date: 3 July 2024

­Tags: Transversal tender, telecommunications, broadband, services, support and maintenance

Bids are invited for the establishment of a new three-year development, support and licence maintenance agreement for the ITSM system for SITA.

Tender no: RFB 2881/2024
Information: Konwaba Mbolekwa, Tel: 073 654 3133, E-mail:
Closing date: 3 July 2024

­Tags: Software, information technology service management, ITSM, software development, software licensing, services, support and maintenance

Department of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Gauteng

The provincial department wishes to appoint a service provider for phase three of the development of a GIS-based dashboard system: change management and decision support.

Compulsory briefing: 19 June
Tender no: COGTA 02/2024
Information: Phumzile Malgas or Mahlatse Madiba, Tel: 010 345 0832, E-mail:
Closing date: 2 July 2024

­Tags: Software, GIS, cloud computing, services, professional services

Department of Human Settlements, Eastern Cape

A service provider is sought for the development of a human settlements enterprise content management solution for three years.

Compulsory briefing: 14 June
Tender no: SCMU11-24/25-114
Information: X Mpupa, Tel: 043 711 9641, E-mail:
Closing date: 1 July 2024

­Tags: Software, enterprise content management, ECM, software development

The Eastern Cape department is also looking for a service provider for the implementation of IT disaster-recovery-as-a-service and backup-as-a-service, as well as the supply and installation of additional storage.

Compulsory briefing: 18 June
Tender no: SCMU11-24/25-115
Information: X Mpupa, Tel: 043 711 9641, E-mail:
Closing date: 1 July 2024

­Tags: Software, storage, security, disaster recovery, backup, disaster-recovery-as-a-service, backup-as-a-service, services, managed services

Council for Scientific and Industrial Research

The CSIR is advertising for the provision of a managed bandwidth link for the South African National Research Network connectivity from the University of KwaZulu-Natal’s Pietermaritzburg campus to the Agricultural Research Council’s Cedara campus to the CSIR.

Tender no: CSIR RFP 3636/21/06/2024
Information: SCM, Tel: 012 841 2911, E-mail:
Closing date: 21 June 2024

­Tags: Telecommunications, managed bandwidth link, broadband

Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration

The CCMA requires Oracle technical support services renewal for two years.

Non-compulsory briefing: 12 June – Microsoft Teams
Tender no: CCMA/2024/08 – ICT
Information: Vincent Mukwevho, Tel: 011 377 6998, E-mail:
Closing date: 28 June 2024

­Tags: Software, services, support and maintenance

Transnet SOC

Proposals are invited for the provision of an XDR solution with a maintenance and support licence for three years.

Compulsory briefing: 13 June – Microsoft Teams, Link, Meeting ID: 390 793 080 444 Passcode: VcYCYh
Tender no: TCC/2024/02/0001/56490/RFP
Information: Reetsang Modise, Tel: 011 308 4905, E-mail:
Closing date: 3 July 2024

­Tags: Software, extended detection and response, XDR, cyber security, services, support and maintenance


The utility is looking for a partner to implement the health, safety and environment module in Maximo for an18-month period.

Non-compulsory briefing: 14 June – Microsoft Teams
Tender no: MWP2574CX
Information: Nombulelo Wendy Nduneni, Tel: 011 800 4824, E-mail:
Closing date: 18 July 2024

­Tags: Software, health, safety and environment, asset management 
