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Viewpoint: Optimising efficiency for left-handed agents

By Ebrahim Dinat
Johannesburg, 21 Aug 2015
Left-handed people make up 12% of the population yet, the world around them has been designed for the right handers, says Ocular Technologies' Ebrahim Dinat.
Left-handed people make up 12% of the population yet, the world around them has been designed for the right handers, says Ocular Technologies' Ebrahim Dinat.

Did you know that there is an annual International Lefthanders Day? Since 1976, it has taken place on 13 August and is "meant to promote awareness of the inconveniences faced by lefthanders in a predominantly right-handed world".

Left-handed people make up 10% to 12% of the population - Bill Gates is one of them. However, most gadgets, office supplies, desks, cooking supplies, and various other objects cater for the right-handed population.

Tim Dreyer, director of public relations and analyst relations at Ocular Technologies partner company, Aspect, recently wrote a light-hearted blog about taking some of the best features of Aspect's Workforce Management solution and creating a helpful guide to maximise productivity and optimise efficiency for your left-handed agent population.

"If you manage a contact centre, you know a big difference between good and great performance can be effectively forecasting and scheduling your agent population. In addition to being more likely to have allergies, lefthanders are apparently more prone to being insomniacs.

"Kind of makes you want to have some schedule flexibility huh? Maybe those non-sleepers are available and ready to work when you have a staffing crisis on your hands," says Dreyer.

According to Dreyer, Lefthanders are also said to be better at multi-tasking - getting a single view of an agent skill sets might reveal to the contact centre manager if lefthanders are able to handle multiple channels. "Like resolving a billing issuing with one customer on the phone while adding an account feature for another customer in a chat," he explains.

Dreyer highlights that of the seven most recent US Presidents, four have been left handed and statistics show that left-handed college graduates go on to become 26% richer than right-handed graduates.

Maybe left-handed people as a whole are more successful and make better leaders. Using real-time performance will help you track and analyse their performance and you'll find out for sure," he adds.

Perhaps next time you walk past your left-handed agent, take note of some of the distinctive capacities he or she has.
