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White paper: Diagnosing dysfunction: Causes and remedies for broken agile ways of working

Diagnosing dysfunction: Causes and remedies for broken agile ways of working.
Diagnosing dysfunction: Causes and remedies for broken agile ways of working.

Agile implementation has slipped away from us. Many organisations are deeply engaged in it, but opportunism and a desire for quick results have diluted the practice. Organisations have forgotten that agile is the mindset we should adopt and not the framework that makes it happen.

In Entelect’s latest publication, the company draws from its experience of working with local and international blue-chip organisations for over 20 years, and unpacks various agile methodologies. The publication discusses insights on effective ways to introduce, transform and enhance ways of working in organisations, helping teams maximise the benefits of agile ways of working.

What is in the publication

1. Chapter 1 – The costly superficial adoption of agile

Most organisations ‘do’ agile, instead of being agile. Old ways of working are supplemented with agile practices intending to gain the benefits of agile without the required transformation. This results in a shallow adoption of agile, which does not help organisations respond or navigate change effectively. Understanding the current condition of your agile ways of working is the first step towards real agile transformation.

2. Chapter 2 – Disentangling scrum

Given scrum’s popularity and widespread adoption, it’s hardly surprising that scrum is the most “commonly used/commonly misused framework”. Understanding and addressing the misconceptions and anti-patterns around scrum can help organisations and teams work towards a more effective implementation.

3. Chapter 3 – An adaptable approach to agile

Kanban provides focus, predictability and sustainability. While it is not explicitly an agile framework, the concepts do overlap as Kanban promotes a mindset of rapid delivery of value and responding effectively to change.

4. Chapter 4 – Know when to scale

Scaling practices are considered a natural progression if the teams, software and organisation are ramping up. However, if your product scope is relatively unchanged, barring the addition of a new team or two, scaling is probably not the answer.

If you scale too soon, or without a strong foundation, you will scale chaos.

5. Chapter 5 - Future ways of working

As digitisation propels us towards the next industrial revolution, the need for organisations to unlock true business agility has never been more crucial.

Download the white paper below.
