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White paper: Digital innovation demands zero-trust access

Johannesburg, 14 Jul 2020

To accelerate business and remain competitive, CIOs are rapidly adopting digital innovation (DI) initiatives within their organisations. This means business applications and data are now dispersed far and wide, away from the corporate premises, giving workers access to more corporate assets from many locations.

For this reason, the traditional perimeter is dissolving, which opens the internal network to a growing attack surface. In response to these threats, organisations need to take a “trust no one, trust nothing” approach to security. Specifically, CIOs need to protect the network with a zero-trust network access policy, making sure all users, all devices and every Web application from the cloud is trusted, authenticated and has the right amount of access.

For CIOs, DI initiatives are critical for business growth. One aspect of this growth is the proliferation of new network edges – private and public cloud infrastructures, Internet of things and mobile devices, software-defined branches – all of which generate an exponentially growing volume of data, applications and workflows. To manage user access and interconnect an array of devices from different locations, both on and off the network, organisations are increasing the number of devices deployed at the edges of these networks.
