
White paper: Sustainability and e-commerce

Johannesburg, 15 Feb 2022

With the unprecedented shift toward online channels and rising conservation and climate change concerns, organisations are actively exploring ways to adopt sustainable models for their e-commerce business. Aware consumers are making sustainable choices and are ready to make impactful changes to their habits from ‘right now’ delivery to no-plastic packaging. 

Sustainability means adopting processes, tools, materials and methodologies that help conserve natural resources and support long-term ecological balance by eliminating any adverse impact on the climate. A more humane approach is to adopt lifestyle changes to meet our current needs without compromising the needs of future generations to meet theirs.

Sustainability, however, often implies choosing a path less convenient and delaying ROI. And this is where new technology plays a key role to make sure transitions are smooth and easy on the budget. It’s all about finding a common ground in the three competing pillars of sustainability – economic growth, social responsibility and environmental protection. Initiatives like reducing your carbon footprint, minimising waste and practising fair trade are often associated with the adoption of sustainable practices. 

Please download our white paper to learn more.
