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White paper: The three approaches of breach and attack simulation technologies


Testing the cyber security posture of an organisation or its cyber security resilience to cyber attacks has come a long way. The demand for the latest and most comprehensive testing solutions continues to grow to counter the ever-increasing wave of cyber crime. Until recently, the information security professional’s arsenal of security effectiveness testing tools has mainly consisted of vulnerability scanners and manual penetration testing. But that has changed since breach and attack simulation (BAS) technology has become available.

There are currently several vendors providing BAS solutions that are gaining traction, as more and more professionals are jumping on the BAS bandwagon. But just like everything else in life, there is no single BAS approach, but rather several approaches, each with its own set of capabilities, benefits and drawbacks. That being said, it is important to remember that all BAS solutions are able to simulate a threat actor's hostile activities with some level of automation. That’s what makes them so effective. 

In this paper, we take a closer look at the different categories of BAS solutions to make it easier for CISOs, CIOs and other security leaders and practitioners to understand and select the most appropriate BAS solution for their organisation.

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