
XContent hosts its second CloudSource breakfast in Cape Town

CloudSource breakfast Cape Town.
CloudSource breakfast Cape Town.

After a very successful kick-off breakfast event in Gauteng, XContent went on the road to the Western Cape with the CloudSource breakfast roadshow. The informative breakfast, hosted in conjunction with Microsoft South Africa, was held at Lagoon Beach Hotel on 7 March 2024.

As with the kick-off event, the attendees came from a wide range of businesses, but all with one thing in common; they either had a presence in Microsoft Azure or were thinking about beginning their cloud transformation journey.

CloudSource is XContent’s answer to the very real need for a platform to provide users with a single pane of glass, where XContent can provide and use a variety of toolsets, to deliver the very best Azure Cloud and M365 Cloud experience for their customers.

The aptly named toolsets, XCNimbus (for Azure) and XCStratus (for M365 and O365) place an important focus on three main areas: reducing the customer’s cloud costs, ensuring an improved security posture and enhancing compliance within the business.

Corne du Preez, Head of Cloud and Chief Operating Officer for XContent, hosted the event and had this to say: “When considering Azure and deploying workloads to the cloud, the most important thing to focus on is a well-architected environment. Our aim is to ensure this for all our customers and to also work with customers to give them the very best experience in cloud.”

He went on to say: “One of the biggest pain-points we hear from cloud users is that cloud is expensive, compared to on-premises, but it needn’t be. When a customer engages with us, it is our responsibility to provide constant improvement and value, and we do this by ensuring that we place a strong focus on the three key areas of cost, security and compliance.”

Customers now also get the benefit of a month-to-month option but can also greatly reduce the monthly service costs by signing on for a longer-term period. “I want to stress that we are not here to replace your incumbent supplier. In fact, we will even work with them to give you the best experience possible,” Du Preez reiterated to those in attendance.

All those in attendance were also all keen to take advantage of the 14-day sponsored engagement on offer to every customer. This engagement gives customers confidence in the ability of CloudSource and provides them with a unique snapshot and report of their current environment.

To find out more about CloudSource, visit the XContent website.


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Bruce Fennessy
Chief Marketing Officer
(+27) 21 834 0850