The big tech players are under scrutiny as separate investigations get under way by Britain’s competition watchdog, Germany's anti-trust watchdog and the European Union. is buying MGM, the US movie studio home to the James Bond franchise, for $8.45 billion.
The company acquired Cirrus, fable+, GRA and REPL Group, and has agreed to buy Cygni and Pollux.
How to become resilient in the face of uncertainty is the golden thread that will define the months to come.
The company is expected to agree to a deal for a stake in TikTok’s US operations.
Adobe, Alphabet, Amazon, Microsoft, Netflix, Nvidia, PayPal and Zoom are among the 25 companies into which SoftBank has invested a total of $3.9 billion.
Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and other social media will now be subject to EU rules on hate speech and harmful content under new European Commission guidelines.
Google is accused of illegally invading the privacy of millions of users by pervasively tracking their Internet use through browsers set in ‘private’ mode.
The pandemic dominates the local and international ICT markets, and is likely to do so for the foreseeable future.
With more urgent, immediate pandemic priorities on the table, ICASA is yet to finalise its plans to auction spectrum and license the WOAN.
MTN Uganda agrees to pay $100 million for the renewal of its operating licence that expired in October 2018.
In this perilous time, there are still positives, among them social media and digital connectivity helping control panic and misinformation, and a renewed awareness of the value of community.